中性粒细胞(也叫多形核嗜中性粒细胞),约占白细胞总数的50-70%,是体内数量最多的白细胞。中性粒细胞在急性炎症中起着十分重要的作用,是机体抵御细菌入侵的第一道防线。通常,中性粒细胞在血液中循环或粘附于血管壁;另外,在骨髓中也储备有大量的中性粒细胞。当机体发生炎症时,炎症部位由病原体或受损细胞释放出化学趋化物,这些趋化物会形成浓度梯度,刺激中性粒细胞发生定向迁移,渗出血管到达炎症部位, 进而消灭感染的病原微生物。中性粒细胞具有较强的吞噬能力,在炎症部位能够吞噬细菌等病原体,并通过胞内的溶酶体等多种杀菌物质杀伤所感染细菌。另外,中性粒细胞所释放出的各种酶也会对周围组织造成损伤,而引发炎症反应。中性粒细胞渗出血管并定向迁移到炎症部位是一个复杂的生物学过程,也是炎症领域研究的重要研究方向之一。
Immunity doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2010.08.015
Integrin-Induced PIP5K1C Kinase Polarization Regulates Neutrophil Polarization, Directionality, and In Vivo Infiltration
Wenwen Xu, Ping Wang, Bj?rn Petri, Yong Zhang, Wenwen Tang, Le Sun, Holger Kress, Thomas D. Manes, Yan Shi, Paul Kubes, Dianqing Wu
Integrin signaling confers mouse neutrophils a polarity
Integrin signaling polarizes PIP5K1C-90 localization
Integrin-regulated PIP5K1C-90 polarization mediates polarized RhoA activation
Integrin-regulated PIP5K1C-90 polarization is critical for neutrophil infiltration
Neutrophils are important in innate immunity and acute inflammatory responses. However, the regulation of their recruitment to sites of inflammation has not been well characterized. Here, we investigated the kinase PIP5K1C and showed that PIP5K1C deficiency impaired neutrophil recruitment because of an adhesion defect. PIP5K1C regulated the adhesion through facilitating RhoA GTPase and integrin activation by chemoattractants. Integrins could induce polarization of an isoform of PIP5K1C, PIP5K1C-90, in neutrophils through intracellular vesicle transport independently of exogenous chemoattractant. PIP5K1C-90 polarization was required for polarized RhoA activation at uropods and provided an initial directional cue for neutrophil polarization on the endothelium. Importantly, the polarization was also required for circumventing the inhibition of lamellipodium formation by RhoA so that neutrophils could form leading edges required for transendothelial migration. Because integrins are not known to regulate neutrophil polarization, our study revealed a previously underappreciated role of integrin signaling in neutrophil regulation.