肿瘤研究领域权威学术期刊美国《国立癌症研究所杂志》(J Natl Cancer Inst,影响因子14.697)于10月24日在线刊登了该项研究成果。同期,美国M.D.安德森癌症中心Sendurai A Mani博士以pIgR: Frenemy of inflammation, EMT, and HCC progression为题,对该研究进行了述评,认为不同于pIgR传统的免疫防御功能,该研究报道了首个免疫球蛋白受体pIgR作为关键的炎症介导者,通过诱导EMT促进了肝炎向肝癌的转移转化,在肝癌耐药及肝癌干性维持方面可能发挥着重要的调控作用;pIgR作为肝癌早期复发转移的独立预测标志物,为肝癌的早期诊断和治疗提供了分子标志物与靶标,对规避治疗风险具有重要的指导意义;同时,pIgR介导免疫球蛋白转运与EMT恶性转化功能域的不同,为特异性靶向pIgR介导EMT提供了重要的干预策略,这种选择性作用模式可能是赋予其发挥抗肿瘤复发转移、克服非特异性靶向免疫转运功能所致毒副作用的关键。
该研究工作挑战了对pIgR传统功能认识的局限,为重新定义免疫球蛋白受体家族的“非经典功能”奠定了重要的理论基础,为“炎癌转化”提供了一个全新的研究视角,为免疫球蛋白受体的免疫防御与免疫背叛的两面性研究提供了重要范例。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
pIgR: Frenemy of Inflammation, EMT, and HCC Progression
Nathalie Sphyris and Sendurai A. Mani
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common neoplasm worldwide and a major cause of cancer-related death. The development of HCC has long been associated with inflammation-causing agents such as chronic viral infection with hepatitis B or C, alcoholic cirrhosis, or dietary exposure to fungal aflatoxins ( 1– 3). Consequently, HCC progression unravels against a backdrop of persistent inflammation, extensive tissue remodeling, and excessive deposition of extracellular matrix components ( 2– 4). Moreover, recently gained insights have linked inflammation to the aberrant activation of a latent embryonic program—termed the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT)—that endows tumor cells with metastatic competence ( 5– 7) and resistance to therapy ( 8). EMT is a complex process that enables the reprogramming of polarized epithelial cells toward a mesenchymal phenotype accompanied by shedding of epithelial characteristics, loss of apico-basal polarity, dissolution of intercellular contacts, and gain of intrinsic migratory and invasive capabilities ( 7). Both persistent inflammation and EMT have been independently implicated in wound healing and regeneration following tissue injury and in pathological conditions such as organ fibrosis and metastasis ( 7, 9, 10). Indeed, the induction of an inflammatory response plays dual and opposing roles in the context of tumor development. Initially, inflammation and immune surveillance serve to eliminate rogue premalignant or malignant cells, thus suppressing tumor formation. However, as tumors evolve, they not only evade immune surveillance but—somewhat paradoxically—provoke an inflammatory response, resulting in the recruitment of multiple immune cell types that secrete a diverse set of signaling molecules that promote cell proliferation and survival of resident cells and remodel the extracellular matrix to favor EMT.