因为朊蛋白(PrPSc)是在疾病早期在肠道系统的淋巴组织中被发现,推测它是经由肠胃道传染。在兽医学家Caroline Piercey Akesson博士研究期间,研究了朊蛋白在肠道内的吸收,从而对疾病发展的早期阶段所发生的过程有了新的了解。与早先的推测相反,她通过免疫电镜证明阮蛋白不是直接从肠道转运到肠道相关的的淋巴组织。相反,她发现朊蛋白自由地穿过或穿进肠道淋巴组织之外的淋巴细胞。
Caroline Piercey Akesson于12月20日在挪威兽医科学系进行了博士论文答辩,论文的题目是:研究阮病毒的摄取及其与羊肠道中免疫细胞的早期相互作用。(生物谷bioon.com)
Exosome-producing follicle associated epithelium is not involved in uptake of PrPd from the gut of sheep (Ovis aries): an ultrastructural study.
Akesson CP, McGovern G, Dagleish MP, Espenes A, McL Press C, Landsverk T, Jeffrey M.
Abstract In natural or experimental oral scrapie infection of sheep, disease associated prion protein (PrP(d)) often first accumulates in Peyer's patch (PP) follicles. The route by which infectivity reaches the follicles is unknown, however, intestinal epithelial cells may participate in intestinal antigenic presentation by delivering exosomes as vehicles of luminal antigens. In a previous study using an intestinal loop model, following inoculation of scrapie brain homogenate, inoculum associated PrP(d) was detected by light microscopy shortly (15 minutes to 3.5 hours) after inoculation in the villous lacteals and sub-mucosal lymphatics. No PrP(d) was located within the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE), sub-FAE domes or the PP follicles. To evaluate this gut loop model and the transportation routes in more detail, we used electron microscopy (EM) to study intestinal tissues exposed to scrapie or control homogenates for 15 minutes to 10 days. In addition, immuno-EM was used to investigate whether exosomes produced in the FAE may possess small amounts of PrP(d) that were not detectable by light microscopy. This study showed that the integrity of the intestinal epithelium was sustained in the intestinal loop model. Despite prominent transcytotic activity and exosome release from the FAE of the ileal PP in sheep, these structures were not associated with transportation of PrP(d) across the mucosa. The study did not determine how infectivity reaches the follicles of PPs. The possibility that the infectious agent is transported across the FAE remains a possibility if it occurs in a form that is undetectable by the methods used in this study. Infectivity may also be transported via lymph to the blood and further to all other lymphoid tissues including the PP follicles, but the early presence of PrP(d) in the PP follicles during scrapie infection argues against such a mechanism.