日前,发表在Sci Transl Med杂志上的一项研究报告"Novel Adenovirus-Based Vaccines Induce Broad and Sustained T Cell Responses to HCV in Man"披露,黑猩猩的腺病毒可被用来制造疫苗。
研究结果提示,用黑猩猩载体所研发的疫苗可触发对C型肝炎的免疫保护;引起C型肝炎的病毒预计造成全球1亿7000万人的感染;目前还没有针对该病的疫苗。 人类腺病毒常被用作载体将基因带进人的细胞之中以递送疫苗或进行基因疗法。 在疫苗中,那些编码某种特别病原体抗原的基因被包装到该病毒之中。一旦这些抗原被释放到细胞之内,它们会触发一种保护性的免疫反应。 但是最近的研究表明,人类的腺病毒可能不是最好的疫苗载体,因为许多人群过去曾经接触过这些病毒。 这种预先存在的免疫力会在该病毒刺激某种新的免疫反应之前就遭到清除。
考虑到大多数人从黑猩猩那里感染微生物的可能性要小的多,因此研究人员转而考虑用黑猩猩的腺病毒来作为潜在的疫苗载体。Stefano Colloca及其同事在一项试验中发现了一组新的黑猩猩腺病毒,并设计了一种筛检的策略来对其在小鼠中的免疫强度(即检测它们作为疫苗载体的有效性)进行排序。该团队证明,黑猩猩腺病毒比大多数的人类腺病毒效果更好。在一项独立的临床一期试验中,Eleanor Barnes及其同事用某种取自Colloca研究的黑猩猩载体来给一小群健康志愿者注射了一种可能的C型肝炎疫苗。该黑猩猩病毒载体(与某种罕见的人类腺病毒载体一样)触发了一种对该病毒的特异性的免疫反应;它看上去是安全的而且具有良好的耐受性。在进行更为仔细的观察时,该研究团队看到,来自该疫苗的C型肝炎抗原在试验参与者的体内激活了记忆T细胞。一旦接触到某种特别的病原体,T细胞可帮助机体识别并击退未来的入侵者。一则相关的《观点栏目》讨论了这些发现及它们对降低持续性C型肝炎感染率的意义。(生物谷bioon.com)
Novel Adenovirus-Based Vaccines Induce Broad and Sustained T Cell Responses to HCV in Man
Eleanor Barnes1,2,*, Antonella Folgori3,*, Stefania Capone3, Leo Swadling1, Stephen Aston1, Ayako Kurioka1, Joel Meyer1, Rachel Huddart1, Kira Smith1, Rachel Townsend1, Anthony Brown1, et al.
Currently, no vaccine exists for hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major pathogen thought to infect 170 million people globally. Many studies suggest that host T cell responses are critical for spontaneous resolution of disease, and preclinical studies have indicated a requirement for T cells in protection against challenge. We aimed to elicit HCV-specific T cells with the potential for protection using a recombinant adenoviral vector strategy in a phase 1 study of healthy human volunteers. Two adenoviral vectors expressing NS proteins from HCV genotype 1B were constructed based on rare serotypes [human adenovirus 6 (Ad6) and chimpanzee adenovirus 3 (ChAd3)]. Both vectors primed T cell responses against HCV proteins; these T cell responses targeted multiple proteins and were capable of recognizing heterologous strains (genotypes 1A and 3A). HCV-specific T cells consisted of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets; secreted interleukin-2, interferon-γ, and tumor necrosis factor–α; and could be sustained for at least a year after boosting with the heterologous adenoviral vector. Studies using major histocompatibility complex peptide tetramers revealed long-lived central and effector memory pools that retained polyfunctionality and proliferative capacity. These data indicate that an adenoviral vector strategy can induce sustained T cell responses of a magnitude and quality associated with protective immunity and open the way for studies of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for HCV.