当身体自己的细胞变成滴答作响的定时炸弹时,就像发生病毒感染或癌变时那样,一种称作“交叉呈递(cross-presentation)”的机制使得免疫系统的树突细胞(dendritic cells, DCs)发出警报。
来自日本横滨市理化研究所过敏症和免疫学中心(RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology)的Heiichiro Udono解释道,“树突细胞首先通过吞噬作用(phagocytosis)内化癌变或病毒感染的细胞,然后将细胞抗原加工为短肽。”树突细胞随后将这些短肽片段呈递给杀伤性T细胞(killer T cell),然后杀伤性T细胞找出和破坏其他的受影响细胞。吞噬分子在称作胞内体(endosome, 译者注也常译作内体)的封闭性膜泡内移动。Udono和他的同事们开展的一项新研究为揭示交叉呈递之前这些抗原如何被释放到细胞质提供新的启示。
Udono研究小组集中研究热休克蛋白90(heat-shock protein 90, HSP90),而且以前研究将这种分子与交叉呈递相关联起来。HSP90存在两种形式:α和β,它们的作用存在重叠。小鼠至少需要这些蛋白的一种才能存活。Udono和同事们成功地产生唯一缺乏HSP90α的健康小鼠。他们发现,尽管HSP90β似乎起着一定作用,但是缺乏HSP90α在抗原加工上有着显著性影响。从这些小鼠中分离出的树突细胞在交叉呈递方面存在缺陷,在接触模式抗原卵清蛋白之后不能有效地激活杀伤性T细胞。
相应地,Udono相信调节HSP90活性的分子可能有助于临床医生提高病人免疫反击感染或癌症的能力。他说,“如果我们能够控制HSP90和其他热休克蛋白的表达水平,它可能对人类健康有着重大好处。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
Nature:加拿大科学家发现CD74指导MHC I受体连接病原体
Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) contributes to cytosolic translocation of extracellular antigen for cross-presentation by dendritic cells
Takashi Imai, Yu Kato, Chiaki Kajiwara, Shusaku Mizukami, Ikuo Ishige, Tomoko Ichiyanagi, Masaki Hikida, Ji-Yang Wang, and Heiichiro Udono
In antigen (Ag) cross-presentation, dendritic cells (DCs) take up extracellular Ag and translocate them from the endosome to the cytosol for proteasomal degradation. The processed peptides can enter the conventional MHC I pathway. The molecules responsible for the translocation of Ag across the endosomal membrane into the cytosol are unknown. Here we demonstrate that heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is critical for this step. Cross-presentation and -priming were decreased in both HSP90α-null DCs and mice. CD8α+ DC apoptosis mediated by translocation of exogenous cytochrome c to the cytosol was also eliminated in HSP90α-null mice. Ag translocation into the cytosol was diminished in HSP90α-null DCs and in DCs treated with an HSP90 inhibitor. Internalized Ag was associated with HSP90 and translocated to the cytosol, a process abrogated by the HSP90 inhibitor. Ag within purified phagosomes was released in an HSP90-dependent manner. These results demonstrate the important role of HSP90 in cross-presentation by pulling endosomal Ag out into the cytosol.