布氏锥虫(Trypanosoma brucei)导致的昏睡病(sleeping sickness)可通过采采蝇(tsetse fly)的叮咬传染给人类(和动物)。根据2012年2月15日发表在生物医学中心(BioMed Central)旗下开放存取的Microbial Cell Factories期刊上的一篇新研究论文,研究人员利用一种自然条件下生活在采采蝇体内的一种细菌释放纳米抗体(nanobody,一类抗体片段)对抗这种锥虫。这就意味这种细菌在采采蝇体内发挥着一种类似特洛伊木马的作用。这些结合到这种寄生虫表面的纳米抗体是制造能够杀死或阻断锥虫发育的特定纳米抗体的第一步。
细菌(Sodalis glossinidius)是一种内共生菌,类似于定居于人肠道的“有益细菌”,存在于采采蝇的中肠、肌肉、脂肪和唾液腺之中。鉴于雌性采采蝇会把这些细菌传给它的后代,那么一旦将这种雌性蝇放到野外,基因修饰的细菌也应当能够在采采蝇之间代代相传。比利时研究人员对这种内共生菌进行基因改良,这样它分泌一种单结构域抗体结合到布氏锥虫的一种可变表面糖蛋白(variant surface glycoprotein, VSG)上。这种基因突变细菌的生长不受影响,因此一旦放到大自然中会增加它们自己的存活率。
比利时安特卫普市热带疾病研究所的Van Den Abbeele教授解释道,“当我们在模拟采采蝇肠道内部的条件下研究活着的锥虫时,这种基因改造菌表达的纳米抗体有生物活性,能够结合到这种寄生虫的整个表面上。鉴于我们知道这种技术有效,我们正在研究能够在采采蝇肠道中破坏或阻断这种寄生虫发育的纳米抗体。”
Expression and extracellular release of a functional anti-trypanosome Nanobody(R) in Sodalis glossinidius, a bacterial symbiont of the tsetse fly
Linda De Vooght, Guy Caljon, Benoit Stijlemans, Patrick De Beatselier, Marc Coosemans and Jan Van Den Abbeele
Sodalis glossinidius, a gram-negative bacterial endosymbiont of the tsetse fly, has been proposed as a potential in vivo drug delivery vehicle to control trypanosome parasite development in the fly, an approach known as paratransgenesis. Despite this interest of S. glossinidius as a paratransgenic platform organism in tsetse flies, few potential effector molecules have been identified so far and to date none of these molecules have been successfully expressed in this bacterium.
In this study, S. glossinidius was transformed to express a single domain antibody, (Nanobody(R)) Nb_An33, that efficiently targets conserved cryptic epitopes of the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) of the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Next, we analyzed the capability of two predicted secretion signals to direct the extracellular delivery of significant levels of active Nb_An33. We show that the pelB leader peptide was successful in directing the export of fully functional Nb_An33 to the periplasm of S. glossinidius resulting in significant levels of extracellular release. Finally, S. glossinidius expressing pelBNb_An33 exhibited no significant reduction in terms of fitness, determined by in vitro growth kinetics, compared to the wild-type strain.
These data are the first demonstration of the expression and extracellular release of functional trypanosome-interfering Nanobodies(R) in S. glossinidius. Furthermore, Sodalis strains that efficiently released the effector protein were not affected in their growth, suggesting that they may be competitive with endogenous microbiota in the midgut environment of the tsetse fly. Collectively, these data reinforce the notion for the potential of S. glossinidius to be developed into a paratransgenic platform organism.