来自美国加尔维斯敦市德克萨斯大学医学分校的研究人员发现体内第一道抗感染防御系统利用的制导系统发挥着人们之前未知的新作用。相关研究结果发表在Journal of Leukocyte Biology期刊上。
这项新研究重点研究信号传导分子IL-8的两种存在形式,以及IL-8与糖胺聚糖(glycosaminoglycan, GAG)之间的相互作用。
德克萨斯州大学副教授和这篇论文通讯作者Krishna Rajarathnam说,“嗜中性粒细胞是杀伤机器(killing machine),但是它们也是瞎子,所以它们攻击时不分目标,因为要使得它们有效地反抗感染并使得附带组织损伤最小化,它们不得不被精准引导和激活。对这种招募过程的时空控制是非常复杂的,但是我们已获得对这种非常基础性机制的深入了解。”
“我们以前的研究是关于肺部IL-8的,而在这项研究中,我们研究当把IL-8注射进小鼠腹膜(peritoneum)里会发生什么情况”,Rajarathnam说,“在肺部,我们观察到野生型IL-8招募嗜中性粒细胞的能力处于IL-8单体和二聚体单独招募的能力之间,但是在腹膜里,野生型IL- 8实际上招募嗜中性粒细胞的能力更高。这种影响是协同性的,意味着野生型IL-8单体和二聚体协同相互作用从而促进招募嗜中性粒细胞。”
“我们未来的研究目标是描述IL-8单体和二聚体功能上的差别以便观察我们是否能够‘控制’包括败血症在内的疾病中发生的炎症扩散(runaway inflammation)和与其相关的嗜中性粒细胞诱导而产生的组织伤害。” (生物谷:towersimper编译)
The monomer-dimer equilibrium and glycosaminoglycan interactions of chemokine CXCL8 regulate tissue-specific neutrophil recruitment
Pavani Gangavarapu, Lavanya Rajagopalan, Deepthi Kolli, Antonieta Guerrero-Plata, Roberto P. Garofalo and Krishna Rajarathnam
Chemokines exert their function by binding the GPCR class of receptors on leukocytes and cell surface GAGs in target tissues. Most chemokines reversibly exist as monomers and dimers, but very little is known regarding the molecular mechanisms by which the monomer- dimer equilibrium modulates in vivo function. For the chemokine CXCL8, we recently showed in a mouse lung model that monomers and dimers are active and that the monomer-dimer equilibrium of the WT plays a crucial role in regulating neutrophil recruitment. In this study, we show that monomers and dimers are also active in the mouse peritoneum but that the role of monomer-dimer equilibrium is distinctly different between these tissues and that mutations in GAG-binding residues render CXCL8 less active in the peritoneum but more active in the lung. We propose that tissue-specific differences in chemokine gradient formation, resulting from tissue-specific differences in GAG interactions, are responsible for the observed differences in neutrophil recruitment. Our observation of differential roles played by the CXCL8 monomer-dimer equilibrium and GAG interactions in different tissues is novel and reveals an additional level of complexity of how chemokine dimerization regulates in vivo recruitment.