2012年3月12日,据《每日科学》,来自特鲁多研究所的一项新研究阐明了人体如何控制γ-疱疹病毒(一类能导致多种癌症的病毒)。这项研究由Mike Freeman博士领导,研究结果即将刊登于新一期的《免疫学杂志》(Journal of Immunology)上。该研究描述了白细胞在控制γ-疱疹病毒感染中的作用,对治疗及预防某些类型的癌症具有重要意义。
Blackman研究的关键性发现是,一种被称为CD8 T的白细胞,在病毒起始活跃阶段及长期潜伏感染之间对病毒的控制机制不同。这些新发现将加速开发一些疗法,来控制γ-疱疹病毒的感染,并防止病毒相关癌症的发生。(生物谷bioon.com)
γ-Herpesvirus Reactivation Differentially Stimulates Epitope-Specific CD8 T Cell Responses
Michael L. Freeman, Claire E. Burkum, Meghan K. Jensen, et al
Abstract:The γ-herpesviruses are characterized by their ability to establish lifelong latency. Subsequent immune suppression leads to viral reactivation from latency and the onset of a variety of pathologies, including lymphoproliferative disease and cancers. CD8 T cells play a key role in preventing reactivation of latent virus. Therefore, to develop effective therapeutic immune strategies, it is essential to understand the maintenance of CD8 T cell responses during latency. Because the γ-herpesviruses are highly species-specific and mice cannot be infected with the human pathogens, EBV or Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, we have used a natural rodent γ-herpesvirus experimental infection model, γ-herpesvirus-68. In this report, we show that during long-term latent infection, naive CD8 T cells are recruited into the ongoing immune response in an epitope-specific manner. When virus reactivation is induced in vivo, the recruitment of CD8 T cells for some, but not all, epitopes is enhanced. The variation in recruitment is not due to differences in epitope presentation. We also show that CD8 T cells that are newly stimulated during reactivation are functionally impaired compared with acutely stimulated cells in terms of cytokine production. Thus, our results demonstrate unexpected complexity in the response of CD8 T cells specific for different viral epitopes that were stimulated during acute infection, quiescent latency, and reactivation.