近日,国际著名杂志《自然》Nature在线刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Wild-type microglia arrest pathology in a mouse model of Rett syndrome,”,文章中,研究者揭示了免疫在脑功能障碍中作用研究获进展,这一论文一经发表,引起了科学界的高度关注,美国科学促进会(AAAS)旗下EurekAlert!、Nature网站和The scientist等网站均第一时间对这一成果进行了报道。
然而近日来自美国弗吉尼亚大学研究人员却称免疫系统有可能是一个值得研究的靶标:在Rett综合症小鼠模型中,研究人员证实骨髓移植可显著改善症状,大大延长了小鼠的寿命。威斯康星大学的Qiang Chang(从事Rett综合症分子机制研究,未参与新研究)说:“这是一个非常有趣,且非常具有煽动性的研究论文,不仅对于基础生物学而且对于转化医学均具有重要的意义。但我个人认为这项工作有可能引发的问题远远多过它解答的问题。”
Rett综合症是由Mecp2基因多种不同突变引起的神经障碍性疾病,Mecp2基因定位在X染色体上,可通过结合、改变DNA上的甲基化标记调控数千种基因表达。由于Mecp2在机体的大量组织中均有表达,对了解Rett综合症的机制提出了重大挑战。“每种细胞类型均有甲基化作用,但是细胞与细胞间的甲基化模式却可能有所不同。如果情况确实如此的话,Mecp2有可能在不同细胞中调控和参与了不同的信号通路,”宾夕法尼亚大学Zhaolan Zhou(主要从事Rett综合症和表观遗传学研究,未参与新研究)说。
由于Rett综合症是一种脑功能障碍,大部分的研究都将焦点集中在了神经元的Mecp2活性上,这也不无道理。“Mecp2在神经元中呈极高水平表达,被认为在神经元和大脑环路的成熟中发挥了重要作用,”Qiang Chang说。Rett综合症儿童出生时看起来是基本“正常”的,直到18个月后才会表现出症状。当Mecp2表达显著上调时,打开了这扇窗口。
然而新研究表明大脑细胞可能并未呈现出全部的情况。在阅读了10年前一篇关于Mecp2突变如何减慢T细胞生长的研究论文后,来自弗吉尼亚大学医学院的神经免疫学家Noël Derecki 和Jonathan Kipnis决定进一步研究免疫系统与Rett综合症的相互作用。
Qiang Chang和Zhaolan Zhou表示希望能在其他实验室中看到重复的结果,更多了解可能的机制。Zhaolan Zhou 说:“该论文表明Mecp2对于每个细胞类型都非常重要,它制造出了一个尚待解决的令人着迷的生物学问题。”
Wild-type microglia arrest pathology in a mouse model of Rett syndrome
Noël C. Derecki, James C. Cronk, Zhenjie Lu, Eric Xu, Stephen B. G. Abbott, Patrice G. Guyenet & Jonathan Kipnis
Rett syndrome is an X-linked autism spectrum disorder. The disease is characterized in most cases by mutation of the MECP2 gene, which encodes a methyl-CpG-binding protein1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Although MECP2 is expressed in many tissues, the disease is generally attributed to a primary neuronal dysfunction6. However, as shown recently, glia, specifically astrocytes, also contribute to Rett pathophysiology. Here we examine the role of another form of glia, microglia, in a murine model of Rett syndrome. Transplantation of wild-type bone marrow into irradiation-conditioned Mecp2-null hosts resulted in engraftment of brain parenchyma by bone-marrow-derived myeloid cells of microglial phenotype, and arrest of disease development. However, when cranial irradiation was blocked by lead shield, and microglial engraftment was prevented, disease was not arrested. Similarly, targeted expression of MECP2 in myeloid cells, driven by Lysmcre on an Mecp2-null background, markedly attenuated disease symptoms. Thus, through multiple approaches, wild-type Mecp2-expressing microglia within the context of an Mecp2-null male mouse arrested numerous facets of disease pathology: lifespan was increased, breathing patterns were normalized, apnoeas were reduced, body weight was increased to near that of wild type, and locomotor activity was improved. Mecp2+/− females also showed significant improvements as a result of wild-type microglial engraftment. These benefits mediated by wild-type microglia, however, were diminished when phagocytic activity was inhibited pharmacologically by using annexin V to block phosphatydilserine residues on apoptotic targets, thus preventing recognition and engulfment by tissue-resident phagocytes. These results suggest the importance of microglial phagocytic activity in Rett syndrome. Our data implicate microglia as major players in the pathophysiology of this devastating disorder, and suggest that bone marrow transplantation might offer a feasible therapeutic approach for it.