利斯特菌是细菌性食物中毒引起致死的主要来源,近日,免疫学家Laurel Lenz博士和其研究团队在国际著名杂志Immunity上刊登了他们的研究成果,文章中,研究者揭示了活化的巨噬细胞产生的一氧化氮被认为是细胞感染后所产生的免疫反应,但实际上这帮助了单核细胞增生利斯特菌更为高效地在感染和未感染的细胞之间进行传播。
当利斯特菌或者别的致病菌进入人体后,白细胞受体会识别致病菌的基本特征,并且拉起早期的警报,然后发动天然免疫反应,当天然免疫反应被激活后,巨噬细胞和其它的天然免疫细胞很容易可以组织游离的病原菌进入细胞,然而这些激活的免疫细胞会释放一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO),一氧化氮可以触发许多免疫防御机制。
Lenz博士和其研究团队发现,NO的产生可以帮助增加利斯特菌在细胞间的传播以及在宿主内的繁殖速度。当利斯特菌从细胞间不断散播后,利斯特菌便会在被感染的细胞表面产生小肉芽,这样,邻近的未感染的细胞接触到小肉芽之后,利斯特菌就会进入未感染的细胞中进行感染,因此,细菌不通过进入胞外环境就可以进行转移,被吸收的利斯特菌最初会包含一些吞噬体的空泡,当白细胞吸收了这些颗粒之后,这些吞噬体空泡便会以细胞死星(cellular death star)为靶点进行融合,并且破坏其内容物,然而NO会延迟细胞死星或溶酶体的攻击,这就给利斯特菌足够的时间来破坏溶酶体并且躲避吞噬体的吞噬。
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Nitric Oxide Increases Susceptibility of Toll-like Receptor-Activated Macrophages to Spreading Listeria monocytogenes
Caroline Cole1, Stacey Thomas1, Holly Filak2, Peter M. Henson1, 3, Laurel L. Lenz2, 3,
Toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation activates macrophages to resist intracellular pathogens. Yet, the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) causes lethal infections in spite of innate immune cell activation. Lm uses direct cell-cell spread to disseminate within its host. Here, we have shown that TLR-activated macrophages killed cell-free Lm but failed to prevent infection by spreading Lm. Instead, TLR signals increased the efficiency of Lm spread from “donor” to “recipient” macrophages. This enhancement required nitric oxide (NO) production by nitric oxide synthase-2 (NOS2). NO increased Lm escape from secondary vacuoles in recipient cells and delayed maturation of phagosomes containing membrane-like particles that mimic Lm-containing pseudopods. NO also promoted Lm spread during systemic in vivo infection, as shown by the fact that inhibition of NOS2 with 1400W reduced spread-dependent Lm burdens in mouse livers. These findings reveal a mechanism by which pathogens capable of cell-cell spread can avoid the consequences of innate immune cell activation by TLR stimuli.