近日,Yeshiva大学爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员发现衰老削弱免疫系统抵抗感染能力的关键机制。研究人员采用衰老小鼠进行研究,表明服用抗氧化剂可能有助于扭转这种免疫功能的丧失。研究论文发表在Cell Reports杂志上。
研究负责人病理学、微生物学与免疫学副教授Laura Santambrogio医学博士说:衰老影响机体免疫功能,这种现象被称为作为免疫衰老,但是这是如何发生的是不明确的。我们的研究发现了衰老削弱身体整体有效免疫反应能力的几种方式。
这项研究首次检验了衰老相关的氧化应激损害是否与一种称为树突状细胞的免疫细胞的功能有关。 树突状细胞被称为“免疫系统的哨兵”,Santambrogio博士解释道:当你接触到病毒或细菌,这些细胞会吞噬病原体,并提醒免疫系统抵御这些病原体。
Santambrogio博士与同事Fernando Macian-Jua博士等合作分离衰老小鼠的树突状细胞发现,细胞中积累的氧化受损蛋白质已经造成有害影响。例如氧化修饰的蛋白质阻碍了内涵体(核内体)的功能,在核内体内病原体会被灭活。
Age-Related Oxidative Stress Compromises Endosomal Proteostasis
Elvira S. Cannizzo, Cristina C. Clement, Kateryna Morozova, Rut Valdor, Susmita Kaushik, Larissa N. Almeida, Carlo Follo, Ranjit Sahu, Ana Maria Cuervo, Fernando Macian, Laura Santambrogio
A hallmark of aging is an imbalance between production and clearance of reactive oxygen species and increased levels of oxidatively damaged biomolecules. Herein, we demonstrate that splenic and nodal antigen-presenting cells purified from aging mice accumulate oxidatively modified proteins with side-chain carbonylation, advanced glycation end products, and lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, we show that the endosomal accumulation of oxidatively modified proteins interferes with the efficient processing of exogenous antigens and degradation of macroautophagy-delivered proteins. In support of a causative role for oxidized products in the inefficient immune response, a decrease in oxidative stress improved the adaptive immune response to immunizing antigens. These findings underscore a previously unrecognized negative effect of age-dependent changes in cellular proteostasis on the immune response.