HIV疫苗开发面临的挑战之一就是缺乏一种准确反映人对这种病毒产生的免疫应答以及该病毒如何发生突变来逃避这种免疫应答的动物模型。根据一项于2012年7月18日发表在Science Translational Medicine期刊上的新研究,来自美国麻省总医院拉根研究所、麻省理工学院和哈佛大学的研究人员报道,他们利用移植人免疫系统的组分到免疫缺陷小鼠中而构建出一种动物模型,从而解决了这些关键性问题,而且这些动物模型有潜力显著性地减少测试候选疫苗所需的时间和成本。研究通讯作者Todd Allen博士说,“我们的研究表明不仅这些人化小鼠(humanized mice)对HIV产生免疫应答,而且HIV能够通过让CD8杀伤性T细胞靶向的病毒蛋白发生突变而逃避这些免疫应答。我们第一次拥有一种能够准确复制至关重要的宿主-病原体相互作用的动物模型,这一模型将有助于促进人们开发出有效的HIV疫苗。”
在这项研究中,研究人员测试了这种人化BLT小鼠,即通过移植人骨髓干细胞和其他人组织到缺乏功能性免疫系统的小鼠体内而构建出的一种动物模型。而且研究人员构建一组人化BLT小鼠所用的细胞和组织是来自携带不同免疫系统HLA分子等位基因的人供者,其中HLA分子标记遭受病毒感染的细胞,从而使得CD8 T细胞摧毁这些细胞。特定的HLA等位基因,如HLA-B57,在自然能够控制HIV的人体内更为常见。研究人员构建出的这些小鼠当中就有一些能够表达这种重要的保护性等位基因。
在这些小鼠被HIV感染六周之后,研究人员发现HIV在已知能够被CD8 T细胞靶向的区域快速地发生变化。他们的观察结果表明不仅人化小鼠免疫系统对HIV产生免疫应答,而且HIV也不断发生突变来躲避这些免疫应答,这与人体内观察到的情形类似。在表达保护性HLA-B57等位基因的小鼠中,正如能够控制HIV病毒水平的病人一样,CD8 T细胞靶向HIV中一个至关重要的区域,从而阻止病毒发生突变和允许这些动物更加有效地抑制HIV。
本文编译自Animal model replicates human immune response against HIV, could revolutionize HIV vaccine research
doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3003984
Rapid Evolution of HIV-1 to Functional CD8+ T Cell Responses in Humanized BLT Mice
Timothy E. Dudek1, Daniel C. No1, Edward Seung2, Vladimir D. Vrbanac2, Lena Fadda1, Priyasma Bhoumik1, Christian L. Boutwell1, Karen A. Power1, Adrianne D. Gladden1, Laura Battis1, Elizabeth F. Mellors1, Trevor R. Tivey2, Xiaojiang Gao3, Marcus Altfeld1, Andrew D. Luster2, Andrew M. Tager2 and Todd M. Allen
The development of mouse/human chimeras through the engraftment of human immune cells and tissues into immunodeficient mice, including the recently described humanized BLT (bone marrow, liver, thymus) mouse model, holds great promise to facilitate the in vivo study of human immune responses. However, little data exist regarding the extent to which cellular immune responses in humanized mice accurately reflect those seen in humans. We infected humanized BLT mice with HIV-1 as a model pathogen and characterized HIV-1–specific immune responses and viral evolution during the acute phase of infection. HIV-1–specific CD8+ T cell responses in these mice were found to closely resemble those in humans in terms of their specificity, kinetics, and immunodominance. Viral sequence evolution also revealed rapid and highly reproducible escape from these responses, mirroring the adaptations to host immune pressures observed during natural HIV-1 infection. Moreover, mice expressing the protective HLA-B*57 allele exhibited enhanced control of viral replication and restricted the same CD8+ T cell responses to conserved regions of HIV-1 Gag that are critical to its control of HIV-1 in humans. These data reveal that the humanized BLT mouse model appears to accurately recapitulate human pathogen–specific cellular immunity and the fundamental immunological mechanisms required to control a model human pathogen, aspects critical to the use of a small-animal model for human pathogens.