在美国,每10个儿童当中就有一个遭受哮喘的折磨,但是造成这种疾病产生的潜在性环境因素仍然不广为人知。如今,来自美国辛辛那提大学、美国环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency, EPA)和辛辛那提儿童医院医学中心的研究人员发现新证据表明婴儿期间接触三种类型霉菌---赭曲霉(Aspergillus ochraceus)、爪甲曲霉(Aspergillus unguis)和变幻青霉(Penicillium variabile)---可能与儿童期间患上哮喘存在直接关联。论文第一作者Tiina Reponen博士和同事们将这些研究发现发表在2012年8月那期Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology期刊上。
研究人员利用一种基于DNA的霉菌水平分析工具---环境相对发霉指数(environmental relative moldiness index, ERMI)---而确定出在高风险的研究群体当中,接触赭曲霉、爪甲曲霉和变幻青霉与患上哮喘相关联。ERMI工具是由美国环境保护局开发的,能够将36种不同类型的霉菌分析结果结合在一起而计算出一种描述家庭中积累霉菌负担(cumulative mold burden)的指数。
本文编译自Infants exposed to specific molds have higher asthma risk
doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.05.030
Infant origins of childhood asthma associated with specific molds
Tiina Reponen, PhD, James Lockey, MS, MD, David I. Bernstein, MD, Stephen J. Vesper, PhD, Linda Levin, PhD, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, MD, PhD, Shu Zheng, PhD, Patrick Ryan, PhD, Sergey A. Grinshpun, PhD, Manuel Villareal, MD, Grace LeMasters, PhD
Background The specific cause or causes of asthma development must be identified to prevent this disease. Objective Our hypothesis was that specific mold exposures are associated with childhood asthma development. Methods Infants were identified from birth certificates. Dust samples were collected from 289 homes when the infants were 8 months of age. Samples were analyzed for concentrations of 36 molds that comprise the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) and endotoxin, house dust mite, cat, dog, and cockroach allergens. Children were evaluated at age 7 years for asthma based on reported symptoms and objective measures of lung function. Host, environmental exposure, and home characteristics evaluated included a history of parental asthma, race, sex, upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms, season of birth, family income, cigarette smoke exposure, air conditioning, use of a dehumidifier, presence of carpeting, age of home, and visible mold at age 1 year and child's positive skin prick test response to aeroallergens and molds at age 7 years. Results Asthma was diagnosed in 24% of the children at age 7 years. A statistically significant increase in asthma risk at age 7 years was associated with high ERMI values in the child's home in infancy (adjusted relative risk for a 10-unit increase in ERMI value, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.5-2.2). The summation of levels of 3 mold species, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus unguis, and Penicillium variabile, was significantly associated with asthma (adjusted relative risk, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.8-2.7). Conclusion In this birth cohort study exposure during infancy to 3 mold species common to water-damaged buildings was associated with childhood asthma at age 7 years.