2012年8月20日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --对多发性硬化症而言,免疫系统攻击大脑和脊髓中的神经,从而导致运动问题,肌肉无力和视力丧失。科学家们之前曾认为被称作树突细胞的免疫细胞促进多发性硬化症的发生和发展,然而根据一篇刊登在Immunity期刊上的论文,在模式小鼠中,这些细胞实际上抵抗这种疾病的产生。这些新发现有助于改变我们对多发性硬化症起源的基本理解,而且可能导致我们开发出更加有效的疗法来治疗这种疾病。
论文通信作者、德国美因茨市约翰内斯古腾堡大学医学中心研究员Ari Waisman说,“通过将树突细胞注入到血液中,它可能能够降低自身免疫反应。除了多发性硬化症之外,我能够轻松地想象到这种方法可能适用于其他自身免疫疾病,比如炎症性肠病和银屑病。”
在被称作实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, EAE)的多发性硬化症模式动物中,当T细胞被抗原呈递细胞(antigen-presenting cells, APCs)激活之后,它们就触发这种疾病产生。树突细胞是能够激活T细胞的APCs,但是科学家们并不知道树突细胞是否是诱导EAE产生的APCs。
论文第一作者Nir Yogev说,“剔除树突细胞改变T细胞调节的自身免疫反应的局面。我们的发现提示着树突细胞抑制免疫反应,因而将树突细胞转移到多发性硬化症病人体内可能能够治疗T细胞缺陷并且作为一有效的干预疗法来治疗这种疾病。”(生物谷Bioon.com)
本文编译自Discovery of immune cells that protect against multiple sclerosis offers hope for new treatment
doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2012.05.025
Dendritic Cells Ameliorate Autoimmunity in the CNS by Controlling the Homeostasis of PD-1 Receptor+ Regulatory T Cells
Nir Yogev, Friederike Frommer, Dominika Lukas, Kordula Kautz-Neu, Khalad Karram, Daniele Ielo, Esther von Stebut, Hans-Christian Probst, Maries van den Broek, Dieter Riethmacher, Tal Birnberg, Thomas Blank, Boris Reizis, Thomas Korn, Heinz Wiendl, Steffen Jung, Marco Prinz, Florian C. Kurschus, Ari Waisman
Mature dendritic cells (DCs) are established as unrivaled antigen-presenting cells (APCs) in the initiation of immune responses, whereas steady-state DCs induce peripheral T cell tolerance. Using various genetic approaches, we depleted CD11c+ DCs in mice and induced autoimmune CNS inflammation. Unexpectedly, mice lacking DCs developed aggravated disease compared to control mice. Furthermore, when we engineered DCs to present a CNS-associated autoantigen in an induced manner, we found robust tolerance that prevented disease, which coincided with an upregulation of the PD-1 receptor on antigen-specific T cells. Additionally, we showed that PD-1 was necessary for DC-mediated induction of regulatory T cells. Our results show that a reduction of DCs interferes with tolerance, resulting in a stronger inflammatory response, and that other APC populations could compensate for the loss of immunogenic APC function in DC-depleted mice.