疫苗起作用的原理是“训练”免疫系统抗击入侵的病毒和细菌,有些添加剂能增强这种效果,因此许多疫苗都含有被称为“辅助剂”的药品添加剂。英国牛津大学等机构的研究人员在新一期《自然—生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology)杂志上发表报告说,聚乙烯亚胺这种添加剂可增强多种疫苗的效果,包括流感疫苗、疱疹疫苗和艾滋病疫苗等。
Polyethyleneimine is a potent mucosal adjuvant for viral glycoprotein antigens
Frank Wegmann, Kate H Gartlan, Ali M Harandi, Sarah A Brinckmann, Margherita Coccia, William R Hillson, Wai Ling Kok, Suzanne Cole, Ling-Pei Ho, Teresa Lambe, Manoj Puthia, Catharina Svanborg, Erin M Scherer, George Krashias, Adam Williams, Joseph N Blattman, Philip D Greenberg, Richard A Flavell, Amin E Moghaddam, Neil C Sheppard & Quentin J Sattentau
Protection against mucosally transmitted infections probably requires immunity at the site of pathogen entry1, yet there are no mucosal adjuvant formulations licensed for human use. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) represents a family of organic polycations used as nucleic acid transfection reagents in vitro and DNA vaccine delivery vehicles in vivo2, 3. Here we show that diverse PEI forms have potent mucosal adjuvant activity for viral subunit glycoprotein antigens. A single intranasal administration of influenza hemagglutinin or herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) glycoprotein D with PEI elicited robust antibody-mediated protection from an otherwise lethal infection, and was superior to existing experimental mucosal adjuvants. PEI formed nanoscale complexes with antigen, which were taken up by antigen-presenting cells in vitro and in vivo, promoted dendritic cell trafficking to draining lymph nodes and induced non-proinflammatory cytokine responses. PEI adjuvanticity required release of host double-stranded DNA that triggered Irf3-dependent signaling. PEI therefore merits further investigation as a mucosal adjuvant for human use.