David Fidock等人在文章中报告了如何利用这类工具修改恶性疟原虫这种最致命疟疾寄生虫的基因组。该寄生虫基因组中核苷酸的平衡量及其内生DNA修复的机械性因素中的某些方面与其他有机体有所差别,其中,DNA修复的机械性因素本可能削弱ZFN的作用效果。但研究人员展示了他们利用该工具对恶性疟原虫基因组有效的操控,他们使用ZFN删除一些基因、替换掉一个基因,以快速而有效的方式改变了其基因序列。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Site-specific genome editing in Plasmodium falciparum using engineered zinc-finger nucleases
Judith Straimer,Marcus C S Lee,Andrew H Lee,Bryan Zeitler,April E Williams,Jocelynn R Pearl,Lei Zhang,Edward J Rebar,Philip D Gregory,Manuel Llinás,Fyodor D Urnov & David A Fidock
Malaria afflicts over 200 million people worldwide, and its most lethal etiologic agent, Plasmodium falciparum, is evolving to resist even the latest-generation therapeutics. Efficient tools for genome-directed investigations of P. falciparum-induced pathogenesis, including drug-resistance mechanisms, are clearly required. Here we report rapid and targeted genetic engineering of this parasite using zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) that produce a double-strand break in a user-defined locus and trigger homology-directed repair. Targeting an integrated egfp locus, we obtained gene-deletion parasites with unprecedented speed (2 weeks), both with and without direct selection. ZFNs engineered against the parasite gene pfcrt, responsible for escape under chloroquine treatment, rapidly produced parasites that carried either an allelic replacement or a panel of specified point mutations. This method will enable a diverse array of genome-editing approaches to interrogate this human pathogen.