9月4日,国际学术期刊《美国科学院院刊》在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所刘小龙研究组的最新研究成果Activator protein 1 suppresses antitumor T-cell function via the induction of programmed death 1,该研究揭示了转录因子AP-1在肿瘤免疫抑制中的作用及分子机制。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1206370109
Activator protein 1 suppresses antitumor T-cell function via the induction of programmed death 1
Gang Xiao, Anqi Deng, Haifeng Liu, Gaoxiang Ge, and Xiaolong Liu
T cells play a critical role in tumor immunosurveillance by eliminating newly transformed somatic cells. However, tumor cell variants can escape from immunological control after immunoediting, leading to tumor progression. Whether and how T cells respond to tumor growth remain unclear. Here, we found that tumor-in filtra ti ng T cells exhibited persistently up-regulated expression of the activator pro-tein 1 (AP-1) subunit c-Fos during tumor progression. The ectopic expression of c-Fos in T cells exacerbated tumor growth, whereas the T- cell–specific deletion of c-Fos reduced tumor malignancy. This un-expected immunosuppressive effect of c-Fos was mediated through the induced expression of immune inhibitory receptor programmed death 1 (PD-1) via the direct binding of c-Fos to the AP-1–binding site in th e Pdcd1 (gene encoding PD-1) promoter. A knock-in mutation of this binding site abrogated PD-1 induction, augmented antitumor T-cell function and repressed tumor growth. Taken together, these findings indicate that T-cell c-Fos subsequently induces PD-1 expres-sion in response to tumor progression and that disrupting such in-duction is essential for repression of tumor growth