Gay Crooks等人通过人体干细胞/祖细胞移植手段让免疫缺陷小鼠发育出血细胞,然后对比观察人体骨髓细胞在该小鼠体内和培养皿中的发育情况。他们发现骨髓细胞中产生了一种L-选择素阳性细胞群,该细胞群属于一种发育中间物,介于静止造血干细胞和一种之前发现的可促使产生抗体B细胞形成的细胞群之间。虽然该选择素细胞群缺少制造血红细胞和血小板的功能,但其可以产生各种白细胞,包括T细胞和自然杀伤细胞。
Lymphoid priming in human bone marrow begins before expression of CD10 with upregulation of L-selectin
Kohn LA, Hao QL, Sasidharan R, Parekh C, Ge S, Zhu Y, Mikkola HK, Crooks GM.
Expression of the cell-surface antigen CD10 has long been used to define the lymphoid commitment of human cells. Here we report a unique lymphoid-primed population in human bone marrow that was generated from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) before onset of the expression of CD10 and commitment to the B cell lineage. We identified this subset by high expression of the homing molecule L-selectin (CD62L). CD10(-)CD62L(hi) progenitors had full lymphoid and monocytic potential but lacked erythroid potential. Gene-expression profiling placed the CD10(-)CD62L(hi) population at an intermediate stage of differentiation between HSCs and lineage-negative (Lin(-)) CD34(+)CD10(+) progenitors. CD62L was expressed on immature thymocytes, and its ligands were expressed at the cortico-medullary junction of the thymus, which suggested a possible role for this molecule in homing to the thymus. Our studies identify the earliest stage of lymphoid priming in human bone marrow