“这一研究代表了一种古老概念的复兴:靶向带有肿瘤特异性抗原的癌症,或许是一种无毒副作用治疗癌症的最有效的途径,”论文的资深作者、杜克大学Preston Robert Tisch脑肿瘤中心神经外科医生John H. Sampson博士说:“这种方法一直存在一些问题,尤其是治疗脑肿瘤时。我们的治疗是令人感到兴奋的,因为它像魔术贴(Velcro)一样起作用使T细胞结合到肿瘤细胞上,诱导它们杀死肿瘤,而不会对邻近的正常组织产生任何负面效应。”
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219817110
Systemic administration of a bispecific antibody targeting EGFRvIII successfully treats intracerebral glioma
Bryan D. Choia,b, Chien-Tsun Kuanb,c, Mingqing Caid, Gary E. Archera,b,c, Duane A. Mitchella,b,c, Patrick C. Gedeona,e, Luis Sanchez-Pereza,c, Ira Pastanf,1, Darell D. Bignera,b,c, and John H. Sampsona,b,c,1
Bispecific antibodies (bscAbs), particularly those of the bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) subclass, have been shown to effectively redirect T cells against cancer. Previous efforts to target antigens expressed in both tumors and normal tissues have produced significant toxicity, however. Moreover, like other large molecules, bscAbs may be restricted from entry into the “immunologically privileged” CNS. A tumor-specific mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFRvIII, is a constitutively activated tyrosine kinase not found in normal tissues but frequently expressed in glioblastomas and many other neoplasms. Because it is localized solely to tumor tissue, EGFRvIII presents an ideal target for immunotherapy. Here we report the preclinical evaluation of an EGFRvIII-targeted BiTE, bscEGFRvIIIxCD3. Our results show that bscEGFRvIIIxCD3 activates T cells to mediate potent and antigen-specific lysis of EGFRvIII-expressing gliomas in vitro (P < 0.001) at exceedingly low concentrations (10 ng/mL) and effector-to-target ratios (2.5:1). Treatment with i.v. bscEGFRvIIIxCD3 yielded extended survival in mice with well-established intracerebral tumors (P < 0.05) and achieved durable complete cure at rates up to 75%. Antitumor efficacy was significantly abrogated on blockade of EGFRvIII binding, demonstrating the need for target antigen specificity both in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate that BiTEs can be used to elicit functional antitumor immunity in the CNS, and that peptide blockade of BiTE-mediated activity may greatly enhance the safety profile for antibody-redirected T-cell therapies. Finally, bscEGFRvIIIxCD3 represents a unique advancement in BiTE technology given its exquisite tumor specificity, which enables precise elimination of cancer without the risk of autoimmune toxicity.