人类免疫系统的记忆对于研制疫苗至关重要。只有当机体在二次感染的情况下识别曾经接触过的病原体,免疫系统才能比第一次更有效地对抗它。来自弗莱堡大学第三生物研究所的免疫生物学家Wolfgang Schamel教授以及同事成功地揭示了免疫系统记忆发挥功能的机制。他们的研究发现在线发表在近期的《生物化学杂志》(JBC)上。
2011年,Schamel研究小组和西班牙马德里自治大学Balbino Alarcon教授领导的研究小组,发现了这一问题的答案。在发表于《免疫》(Immunity)杂志上一篇论文中,他们证实敏感性增高是由于T细胞受体聚集所引起:在还没有遭遇病原体的初始细胞中,受体逐个排列在细胞膜上,自顾自。为了让免疫系统产生反应,因此需要大量的受体遭遇大量的病原体。在所谓的记忆细胞中,受体成群排列在细胞膜上。当一种病原体与集群中的一个受体结合时,该集群中所有的受体会同时激活。这使得免疫系统更加敏感。
在最新的JBC杂志论文中,Schamel研究组和弗莱堡大学制药科学研究所制药技术和生物制药学教授Rolf Schubert,成功地揭示了细胞形成这些受体集群的机制。Schamel专门从事T细胞受体生物化学研究,而Schubert专门从事脂质体生成研究。两人的合作是这一研究取得成功的关键因素。
Schamel研究小组博士后研究人员Eszter Molnár和Schubert研究组的Martin Holzer博士,分离出了这些受体,并在合成膜中重构了它们。经过一年半的研究,科学家们获得了突破:他们发现细胞膜脂类的成分是受体积聚的原因。初始细胞的脂类成分不同于记忆细胞。胆固醇是这一过程的关键因子,因为它以较高浓度存在于记忆细胞中。这种高浓度的胆固醇导致了受体聚集,它像胶水一样将受体连接到一起。(生物谷Bioon.com)
doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.386045
Cholesterol and Sphingomyelin Drive Ligand-independent T-cell Antigen Receptor Nanoclustering
Molnár E, Swamy M, Holzer M, Beck-García K, Worch R, Thiele C, Guigas G, Boye K, Luescher IF, Schwille P, Schubert R, Schamel WW.
The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) exists in monomeric and nanoclustered forms independently of antigen binding. Although the clustering is involved in the regulation of T-cell sensitivity, it is unknown how the TCR nanoclusters form. We show that cholesterol is required for TCR nanoclustering in T cells and that this clustering enhances the avidity but not the affinity of the TCR-antigen interaction. Investigating the mechanism of the nanoclustering, we found that radioactive photocholesterol specifically binds to the TCRβ chain in vivo. In order to reduce the complexity of cellular membranes, we used a synthetic biology approach and reconstituted the TCR in liposomes of defined lipid composition. Both cholesterol and sphingomyelin were required for the formation of TCR dimers in phosphatidylcholine-containing large unilamellar vesicles. Further, the TCR was localized in the liquid disordered phase in giant unilamellar vesicles. We propose a model in which cholesterol and sphingomyelin binding to the TCRβ chain causes TCR dimerization. The lipid-induced TCR nanoclustering enhances the avidity to antigen and thus might be involved in enhanced sensitivity of memory compared with naive T cells. Our work contributes to the understanding of the function of specific nonannular lipid-membrane protein interactions.