“我们研究的实践意义是向人们展示,使用新药物能够激活个体自身的干扰素,减量使用一些现有药物也有望达到同样效果,”文章的资深作者,宾州大学动物科学系教授Serge Fuchs说。
事实也的确如此,研究人员发现蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1 B(PTP1B)就是一种这样的酶。研究显示,阻断PTP1B能够减少干扰素受体的移除,使干扰素信号传导增强。研究人员使用感染了丙肝的人体细胞,发现添加PTP1B抑制剂使少量干扰素有效阻止了病毒复制,而且在感染了水泡性口炎病毒vesicular stomatitis的人体细胞中也有同样的效果。
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1211491109
Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B is a key regulator of IFNAR1 endocytosis and a target for antiviral therapies
Christopher J. Carbonea,1, Hui Zhenga,1, Sabyasachi Bhattacharyaa, John R. Lewisb, Alexander M. Reiterb, Paula Henthornb, Zhong-Yin Zhangc, Darren P. Bakerd, Radha Ukkiramapandiane, Kendra K. Bencea, and Serge Y. Fuchsa,2
Type 1 interferons (IFN1) elicit antiviral defenses by activating the cognate receptor composed of IFN-α/β receptor chain 1 (IFNAR1) and IFNAR2. Down-regulation of this receptor occurs through IFN1-stimulated IFNAR1 ubiquitination, which exposes a Y466-based linear endocytic motif within IFNAR1 to recruitment of the adaptin protein-2 complex (AP2) and ensuing receptor endocytosis. Paradoxically, IFN1-induced Janus kinase-mediated phosphorylation of Y466 is expected to decrease its affinity for AP2 and to inhibit the endocytic rate. To explain how IFN1 promotes Y466 phosphorylation yet stimulates IFNAR1 internalization, we proposed that the activity of a protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) is required to enable both events by dephosphorylating Y466. An RNAi-based screen identified PTP1B as a specific regulator of IFNAR1 endocytosis stimulated by IFN1, but not by ligand-independent inducers of IFNAR1 ubiquitination. PTP1B is a promising target for treatment of obesity and diabetes; numerous research programs are aimed at identification and characterization of clinically relevant inhibitors of PTP1B. PTP1B is capable of binding and dephosphorylating IFNAR1. Genetic or pharmacologic modulation of PTP1B activity regulated IFN1 signaling in a manner dependent on the integrity of Y466 within IFNAR1 in human cells. These effects were less evident in mouse cells whose IFNAR1 lacks an analogous motif. PTP1B inhibitors robustly augmented the antiviral effects of IFN1 against vesicular stomatitis and hepatitis C viruses in human cells and proved beneficial in feline stomatitis patients. The clinical significance of these findings in the context of using PTP1B inhibitors to increase the therapeutic efficacy of IFN against viral infections is discussed.