Scott Hansen及其同事曾在近期报告了经过设计可表达某些SIV蛋白的CMV株,从而让得到疫苗接种的猴子能够控制SIV感染,现在他们又报告说,这种特别的疫苗载体会驱使出一种来自CD8+ T细胞的非常独特的免疫反应。他们说,当与设计的被称作68-1 RhCMV的CMV株相遇时,CD8+ T细胞会发动一种比其通常的对SIV的免疫反应强得多的反应。在68-1 RhCMV存在的情况下,CD8+ T细胞能够将SIV的抗原表位——或者说是抗原性蛋白的小片段——作为其标靶,而这些抗原性表位通常会避开由其它经过设计的病毒载体或仅由SIV感染所激发的免疫反应。据研究人员披露,CD8+ T细胞通常只对由属于I类主要组织相容性复合物——或MHC-I——的细胞所呈现的抗原起反应,但68-1 RhCMV产生了对MHC-I 和 MHC-II 分子都起反应的CD8+ T细胞反应。
他们的结果表明,CMV载体可通过以遗传编程从而让它们能够识别更广泛的SIV抗原表位范围这样一种方法来影响CD8+ T细胞。这些发现可能最终会导致针对HIV治疗的更为有效的手段,而由Nilu Goonetilleke及Andrew McMichael撰写的一篇《观点栏目》文章更为详细地解释了这些结果。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.123787
Cytomegalovirus Vectors Violate CD8+ T Cell Epitope Recognition Paradigms
CD8+ T cell responses focus on a small fraction of total pathogen-encoded peptides, which are similar among individuals with shared major histocompatibility complex (MHC) alleles. This focus can limit immune control of genetically flexible pathogens, such as HIV and SIV, because CD8+ T cells in most infected subjects do not target sequences required for pathogen fitness, resulting in viral escape. Although a vaccine capable of broadening or redirecting CD8+ T cell epitope targeting to prevent viral escape would be highly advantageous, it remains unclear whether this targeting can be diverted from its default pattern during priming.