生物谷报道:T4病毒的DNA需要在特定“分子马达”(molecular motor)的帮助下才能进入病毒的衣壳。Purdue大学和美国Catholic大学的研究人员最近发现了一种在运转这种发动机中发挥重要作用的酶——ATPase的结构。文章第一作者为Purdue大学科学院Michael Rossmann实验室博士后孙斯阳(Siyang Sun,音译)。详细研究内容刊登于3月22日《Molecular Cell》。
“现在谈论这些发现的潜在应用价值为时尚早,” Rossmann说,“希腊人发现行星时,他们一定不会想到那些发现导致了几百个世纪后的航天轨道(spacecraft trajectories)设计。”该研究主要受美国国家科学基金会和人类前沿科学计划组织(Human Frontier Science Program)资助。
Copyright © 2007 Cell Press. All rights reserved.
Molecular Cell, Vol 25, 943-949, 23 March 2007
The Structure of the ATPase that Powers DNA Packaging into Bacteriophage T4 Procapsids
Siyang Sun,1 Kiran Kondabagil,2 Petra M. Gentz,1,3 Michael G. Rossmann,1, and Venigalla B. Rao2,
1 Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, 915 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
2 Department of Biology, The Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20064, USA
Corresponding author
Michael G. Rossmann
Corresponding author
Venigalla B. Rao
Packaging the viral genome into empty procapsids, an essential event in the life cycle of tailed bacteriophages and some eukaryotic viruses, is a process that shares features with chromosome assembly. Most viral procapsids possess a special vertex containing a dodecameric portal protein that is used for entry and exit of the viral genome. The portal and an ATPase are parts of the genome-packaging machine. The ATPase is required to provide energy for translocation and compaction of the negative charges on the genomic DNA. Here we report the atomic structure of the ATPase component in a phage DNA-packaging machine. The bacteriophage T4 ATPase has the greatest similarity to monomeric helicases, suggesting that the genome is translocated by an inchworm mechanism. The similarity of the packaging machines in the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) bacteriophage T4 and dsRNA bacteriophage 12 is consistent with the evolution of many virions from a common ancestor.
The T4 DNA-Packaging Machine
(A) A schematic diagram shows the T4 procapsid while being filled with DNA. The portal protein, gp20, forms a dodecameric head-tail connector through which the genome enters the procapsid and exits the mature phage. The stoichiometry of the large terminase gp17 oligomer is suggested to be pentameric or decameric. The amino-terminal domain of gp17 has ATPase activity, whereas the carboxy-terminal domain has nuclease activity. There are probably eight to ten gp16 monomers in the small terminase oligomer. The small terminase functions to enhance the ATPase activity of th