这种细菌被称为Bartonella rochalimae,它和一次世界大战中造成成千上万军人感染军壕热的细菌很类似,军壕热通过虱子传播。而之前对于和AIDS相关的由猫抓引起的疾病的研究帮助加州大学San Francisco分校(UCSF)和美国疾病控制中心的专家成功分离出了这一细菌。
以上结果发表在the New England Journal of Medicine上。
文章主要作者,来自UCSF的Jane Koehler博士表示,这是发现的第6种能感染人类的这类细菌。1987年Koehler在旧金山综合医院诊断了第一位感染了Bartonella细菌的病人,而在1997年,她的小组发现这一细菌能造成猫抓疾病。其症状包括淋巴结肿大以及发烧等。
这一新发现的细菌能通过利用针对猫抓病的不同的抗生素得到治疗。Koehler说:“当一个病人持续高热时,我们需要迅速做出正确诊断和治疗,特别是对那些免疫系统很弱的人。” (引自教育部科技发展中心)
the New England Journal of Medicine Volume 356:2381-2387 June 7, 2007 Number 23
Bacteremia, Fever, and Splenomegaly Caused by a Newly Recognized Bartonella Species
Marina E. Eremeeva, M.D., Ph.D., Helen L. Gerns, B.A., Shari L. Lydy, Ph.D., Jeanna S. Goo, B.S., Edward T. Ryan, M.D., Smitha S. Mathew, B.S., Mary Jane Ferraro, Ph.D., Judith M. Holden, M.P.H., William L. Nicholson, Ph.D., Gregory A. Dasch, Ph.D., and Jane E. Koehler, M.D.
Bartonella species cause serious human infections globally, including bacillary angiomatosis, Oroya fever, trench fever, and endocarditis. We describe a patient who had fever and splenomegaly after traveling to Peru and also had bacteremia from an organism that resembled Bartonella bacilliformis, the causative agent of Oroya fever, which is endemic to Peru. However, genetic analyses revealed that this fastidious bacterium represented a previously uncultured and unnamed bartonella species, closely related to B. clarridgeiae and more distantly related to B. bacilliformis. We characterized this isolate, including its ability to cause fever and sustained bacteremia in a rhesus macaque. The route of infection and burden of human disease associated with this newly described pathogen are currently unknown.