菌 物 学 报 15 January 2008, 27(1): 54-56
ISSN1672-6472 CN11-5180Q
ã2008 Institute of Microbiology, CAS, all rights reserved.
A new species of Pseudoclathrus from Guizhou, China
ZOU Fang-Lun¹* PAN Gao-Chao2 ZOU Yu-Cheng³
¹Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550009, China
²Institute of Mountain Resources, Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
³Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, China
Abstract: A new species, Pseudoclathrus pentabrachiatus (Clathraceae) collected from Guiyang, Guizhou Province of China is reported. Holotype of the new species is deposited in Mycological Herbarium of Chinese Academy of Sciences (HMAS) and isotype in Mycological Herbarium of Institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences. Latin and English descriptions are given.
Key words: Clathraceae, Pseudoclathrus pentabrachiatus
Pseudoclathrus pentabrachiatus F. L.Zou, G. C. Pan et Y. C. Zou, sp. nov.
Clausa fructificatio oblonga vel ellipsoidea, 1.8-3.5cm, diam., alba vel cana, superficie maculis numerosis brunneis praedita. Matura basidiocarpa 6-12cm alta (Fig. 1-A), basi rhizomorpha alba bene evoluta connexa, receptaculum e quinque brachiis isolongis conoideis constatum, brachia non lirellata, apice connata, 4.5-5cm longa, superne 0.2cm (Fig. 1-B) et inferne 0.5cm diam. (Fig. 1-C) spongiosa aurantiaca. Gleba fusco-olivacea, valde foetens intraria in parte superiore brachii. Stipes in volva partim occultus, 3.5cm longus, 1.2cm crassus (Fig. 1-D), cylindricus, aurantiacus, cavus, spongiosus. Volva cana, maculis brunneis scabris instructa. Basidiosporae laevigatae, ellipsoideae vel cylindricae dilute olivaceae, 2.4-3.0 × 1.3-1.4µm (Fig. 1-E).
Species conoideis et non lirellatis brachiis, volvis brunneis et maculosis in pagina, a congenris
omnibus facile distinguitur.
Etymology: The epithetic name refers to the number of the arms.
Holotype: HMAS 172268, collected by F. L. Zou in Tuyunguan of Guiyang, Guizhou, China, 05 April 1995. Deposited in Herbarium Mycologicum Academiae Sinicae (HMAS), Beijing. Isotype: ZF 1267, in Herbarium of institute of Biology, Guizhou Academy of Sciences Guiyang.
Unexpanded basidiocarps oblong or ellipsoid, 1.8cm to 3.5cm in diameter, white or grayish, with many brown specks on its surface, matura basidiocarps 6-12cm high (Fig. 1-A), attached by a well-developed white rhizomorph at its base. Receptacle consisted of 5 slightly bow-shaped to cone-shaped arms. Arms equal in length, without any furrows on their outer surfaces and united one another at their tops, never separated; each arm 4.5-5cm long, 0.2cm in diam. (Fig. 1-B) at upper part and 0.5cm in diam. (Fig. 1-C) at lower part, orange spongy. Gleba olive-brown, stenchful, present on inner surface of each arm’s upper part. Stipe partly hidden in volva, 3.5cm long, 1.2cm wide (Fig. 1-D), cylindrical, orange, hollow, spongy. Volva grayish-white with brown and rough specks. Basidiospores smooth, ellipsoid, light-olive, 2.4-3.0 × 1.3-1.4µm in size (Fig. 1-E).
Habitat: Growing terrestrially by forest margin.
The species is easily distinguished from all other ones in the genus, P. cylindrosporus B. Liu & Y.S. Bao, P. leigongshanensis W. Zhou & K.Q. Zhang, P. anshunensis W. Zhou & K.Q. Zhang, and P. yunnanensis W. Zhou & K.Q. Zhang, by its cone-shaped arms without any furrows, and many brown specks on its volva.
Acknowledgements: We wish to thank Drs. WANG Pei-Shan and GUO Lin and PENG Hua and Prof. ZHANG Ke-Qin for their helps.
Liu B, Bao YS, 1980. A new genus and a new species of Clathraceae. Mycotaxon, 10(2): 293-295
Zhou W, Zhang KQ, 1987. A new species of genus Pseudoclathrus. Acta Mycologica Sinica, 6(2): 94-96 (in Chinese)
Zhou W, Zhang KQ, 1991. A new species of Pseudoclathrus in China. Acta Mycologica Sinica, 10(3): 200-202 (in Chinese)
Zhou W, Zhang KQ, 2004. A new species of genus Pseudoclathrus from Yunnan, China. Fungal Diversity, 16: 227-230
Fig. 1 A: Basidiocarp; B: Cross section of arm (at top); C: Cross section of arm (at base); D: Cross section of stipe; E: Basidiospores. (about 1:1 natural size )
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