该研究的论文发表在了2月20日出版的《公共科学图书馆·被忽视的热带病》(PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases)上。研究是在印度的加尔各答、印度尼西亚的雅加达和莫桑比克的贝拉这三个城市进行的。这个国际研究小组为在这些地区的卫生中心就诊的全年龄组腹泻患者进行了霍乱的检测。霍乱是由霍乱弧菌导致的。
该研究的作者之一、印度加尔各答国立霍乱和肠道疾病研究所的副所长Dipika Sur说:“该研究表明霍乱仍然是发展中国家的一个大问题,而许多科学家和决策者并没有意识到这一点。”
南非斯坦陵布什大学卫生科学系的Jo Barnes说,由于目前持续的洪水和不良的基础设施,莫桑比克面临的风险最高。
但是她说,接种霍乱疫苗可能效果不大。“接种疫苗只能在3到6个月内有效,而且只有50%的有效率。目前急需的是坑式厕所、清洁的饮用水和卫生学方面的教育。”(来源:科学与发展网络 Sanjit Bagchi and Carol Campbell)
(PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases), doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0000173,Jacqueline L. Deen,John D. Clemens
The High Burden of Cholera in Children: Comparison of Incidence from Endemic Areas in Asia and Africa
Jacqueline L. Deen, Lorenz von Seidlein, Dipika Sur, Magdarina Agtini, Marcelino E. S. Lucas, Anna Lena Lopez, Deok Ryun Kim, Mohammad Ali, John D. Clemens
Cholera remains an important public health problem. Yet there are few reliable population-based estimates of laboratory-confirmed cholera incidence in endemic areas around the world.
We established treatment facility–based cholera surveillance in three sites in Jakarta (Indonesia), Kolkata (India), and Beira (Mozambique). The annual incidence of cholera was estimated using the population census as the denominator and the age-specific number of cholera cases among the study cohort as the numerator.
The lowest overall rate was found in Jakarta, where the estimated incidence was 0.5/1000 population/year. The incidence was three times higher in Kolkata (1.6/1000/year) and eight times higher in Beira (4.0/1000/year). In all study sites, the greatest burden was in children under 5 years of age.
There are considerable differences in cholera incidence across these endemic areas but in all sites, children are the most affected. The study site in Africa had the highest cholera incidence consistent with a growing impression of the large cholera burden in Africa. Burden estimates are useful when considering where and among whom interventions such as vaccination would be most needed.