在大多数例子中,通讯路径包括两种蛋白。第一种蛋白称为组氨酸激酶,接收外部信号,接着它激活第二种蛋白,称为应答调控子(response regulator)。
在最新的研究中,美国麻省理工学院的Michael Laub和同事分析了大约200种细菌的基因组,它们具有几百种不同的路径对不同的外部刺激作出响应。营养、抗生素、温度及光能唤起多种响应,包括特殊基因的转录。
Cell,Vol 133, 1043-1054,Jeffrey M. Skerker,Michael T. Laub
Rewiring the Specificity of Two-Component Signal Transduction Systems
Jeffrey M. Skerker,1,4 Barrett S. Perchuk,1 Albert Siryaporn,2 Emma A. Lubin,1 Orr Ashenberg,1 Mark Goulian,2,3 and Michael T. Laub1,
1 Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
2 Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
3 Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Two-component signal transduction systems are the predominant means by which bacteria sense and respond to environmental stimuli. Bacteria often employ tens or hundreds of these paralogous signaling systems, comprised of histidine kinases (HKs) and their cognate response regulators (RRs). Faithful transmission of information through these signaling pathways and avoidance of detrimental crosstalk demand exquisite specificity of HK-RR interactions. To identify the determinants of two-component signaling specificity, we examined patterns of amino acid coevolution in large, multiple sequence alignments of cognate kinase-regulator pairs. Guided by these results, we demonstrate that a subset of the coevolving residues is sufficient, when mutated, to completely switch the substrate specificity of the kinase EnvZ. Our results shed light on the basis of molecular discrimination in two-component signaling pathways, provide a general approach for the rational rewiring of these pathways, and suggest that analyses of coevolution may facilitate the reprogramming of other signaling systems and protein-protein interactions.