美国密歇根大学生物化学家Ursula Jakob与她的同事一起研究一种称为Hsp33的蛋白质,研究人员意外发现,在漂白剂的作用下,这种蛋白质不但没有功能失常,反而开启了功能。Hsp33属于胁迫蛋白(stress protein),这种蛋白保护细胞不受外界如热、酸之类的刺激,过去的实验认为Hsp33通过阻止其他蛋白质展开后凝块而发挥作用。Hsp33这一令人困惑的表现促使研究人员研究漂白剂对蛋白质的作用。
研究人员将具有和不具有Hsp33的大肠杆菌置于不同浓度的漂白剂中,观测细菌蛋白质如何反应。具有Hsp33的细菌表现出了较少的凝块现象,并能在较高浓度漂白剂中存活更长时间。这一发现表明漂白剂杀菌是靠展开(unfold)蛋白质并使其粘在一起,即蛋白质聚集(protein aggregation)。
理解漂白剂作用于细胞的机理可以帮助研究人员开发毒性小的、无化学副作用的杀菌剂。耶鲁大学分子生物学家Arthur Horwich认为,进一步的工作可能揭示细菌是如何抵抗杀菌剂和哺乳动物免疫细胞的,这些细胞中有一些也能用次氯酸杀灭细菌。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Cell, Volume 135, Issue 4, 691-701,J. Winter,M. Ilbert
leach Activates a Redox-Regulated Chaperone by Oxidative Protein Unfolding
J. Winter1,3,4,M. Ilbert1,3,P.C.F. Graf1,2,5,D. ?zcelik1andU. Jakob1,2,,
1 Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
2 Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
3 These authors contributed equally to this work
4 Present address: Institut für Biotechnologie, Department Chemie, Technische Universit?t München, Garching, Germany
5 Present address: Infectious Diseases Directorate, Naval Medical Research Center, Silver Spring, MD 20910-7500, USA
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), the active ingredient in household bleach, is an effective antimicrobial produced by the mammalian host defense to kill invading microorganisms. Despite the widespread use of HOCl, surprisingly little is known about its mode of action. In this study, we demonstrate that low molar ratios of HOCl to protein cause oxidative protein unfolding invitro and target thermolabile proteins for irreversible aggregation invivo. As a defense mechanism, bacteria use the redox-regulated chaperone Hsp33, which responds to bleach treatment with the reversible oxidative unfolding of its C-terminal redox switch domain. HOCl-mediated unfolding turns inactive Hsp33 into a highly active chaperone holdase, which protects essential Escherichia coli proteins against HOCl-induced aggregation and increases bacterial HOCl resistance. Our results substantially improve our molecular understanding about HOCl's functional mechanism. They suggest that the antimicrobial effects of bleach are largely based on HOCl's ability to cause aggregation of essential bacterial proteins.