菌物学报 15 July 2009, 28(4):504~511
杜少康 陈双林* 林岱 吴鸣谦 王梅霞
南京师范大学生命科学学院 南京 210046
摘 要:为了解我国特有植物银杏的叶部组织中内生真菌菌群的多样性和演替变化,分别于春、夏、秋季从江苏和山东两省的五个主要银杏栽培地采集健康叶片进行了内生真菌的研究。结果表明:所分离出的1971株内生真菌可归于32属,以交链孢属Alternaria(18.01%)、叶点霉属Phyllosticta(14.66%)和丝核菌属Rhizoctonia(14.56%)为优势菌群。在内生真菌的类群及组成上存在着部位、地区以及季节的差异性,也呈现一定的规律性。多样性指数的计算反映出所获得的银杏叶部内生真菌菌群具有不同的丰富度及均匀度,同时有一定的相似性。
Diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves of Ginkgo biloba
DU Shao-Kang CHEN Shuang-Lin* LIN Dai WU Ming-Qian WANG Mei-Xia
College of Life Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
Abstract: Diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves of Ginkgo biloba was studied in order to understand diversity state and succession change of endophytic fungal communities in this endemic plant. Healthy leaf samples were collected from five main planting locations of G. biloba in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces separately in spring, summer and autumn. A total of 1971 strains of endophytic fungi was isolated. As a result of morphological identification 32 genera were obtained, of which Alternaria (amounting to 18.01% of the total), Phyllosticta (14.66%) and Rhizoctonia (14.56%) were dominant. The distribution and composition of endophytic fungi varied with plant organs colonized, localities and seasons, but they assumed regularity to a certain extent. Populations of endophytic fungi in different parts of the leaves indicated different abundance and uniformity but assumed similarity to a certain extent.
Key words: isolation rate, isolation frequency, dominant population, diversity index, similarity coefficient
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