但是,细胞中还含有其他的蛋白质,其半胱氨酸堆积块是单独出现的。这些单独的半胱氨酸对抗氧化的机制还不是很清楚。直到现在,科学家已经在大肠杆菌中识别了蛋白DsbG 和DsbC在细胞中形成巧妙的修复装置基础的机制。当蛋白质的半胱氨酸堆积块被氧化破坏时,其中的一个蛋白会负责修复破坏。
Science 20 November 2009:DOI: 10.1126/science.1179557
A Periplasmic Reducing System Protects Single Cysteine Residues from Oxidation
Matthieu Depuydt,1 Stephen E. Leonard,2 Didier Vertommen,1 Katleen Denoncin,1 Pierre Morsomme,3 Khadija Wahni,4,5 Joris Messens,4,5 Kate S. Carroll,2 Jean-Fran?ois Collet1,*
The thiol group of the amino acid cysteine can be modified to regulate protein activity. The Escherichia coli periplasm is an oxidizing environment in which most cysteine residues are involved in disulfide bonds. However, many periplasmic proteins contain single cysteine residues, which are vulnerable to oxidation to sulfenic acids and then irreversibly modified to sulfinic and sulfonic acids. We discovered that DsbG and DsbC, two thioredoxin-related proteins, control the global sulfenic acid content of the periplasm and protect single cysteine residues from oxidation. DsbG interacts with the YbiS protein and, along with DsbC, regulates oxidation of its catalytic cysteine residue. Thus, a potentially widespread mechanism controls sulfenic acid modification in the cellular environment.
1 de Duve Institute, Université catholique de Louvain, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium.
2 Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1048, USA.
3 Institut des Sciences de la Vie, Université catholique de Louvain, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
4 Department of Molecular and Cellular Interactions, Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
5 Structural Biology Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.