领导这一研究的是著名的血液学专家Harvey J. Alter,这位美国国家科学院院士是乙肝病毒的发现者之一,他曾利用凝胶扩散技术,用曾多次接受输血患者(如血友病、白血病患者)的血液样本与世界各地收集来的血液样本进行反应,发现了一种神秘的蛋白,并命名为澳大利亚抗原(Aa),也就是我们熟知的HBsAg,即乙型肝炎表面抗原。
PNAS 10.1073/pnas.1006901107
Detection of MLV-related virus gene sequences in blood of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and healthy blood donors
Shyh-Ching Lo a , 1 , Natalia Pripuzova a , Bingjie Li a , Anthony L. Komaroff b , Guo-Chiuan Hung a , Richard Wang c , and Harvey J. Alter c , 1
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a serious systemic illness of unknown cause. A recent study identified DNA from a xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 68 of 101 patients (67%) by nested PCR, as compared with 8 of 218 (3.7%) healthy controls. However, four subsequent reports failed to detect any murine leukemia virus (MLV)-related virus gene sequences in blood of CFS patients. We examined 41 PBMC-derived DNA samples from 37 patients meeting accepted diagnostic criteria for CFS and found MLV-like virus gag gene sequences in 32 of 37 (86.5%) compared with only 3 of 44 (6.8%) healthy volunteer blood donors. No evidence of mouse DNA contamination was detected in the PCR assay system or the clinical samples. Seven of 8 gag-positive patients tested again positive in a sample obtained nearly 15 y later. In contrast to the reported findings of near-genetic identity of all XMRVs, we identified a genetically diverse group of MLV-related viruses. The gag and env sequences from CFS patients were more closely related to those of polytropic mouse endogenous retroviruses than to those of XMRVs and were even less closely related to those of ecotropic MLVs. Further studies are needed to determine whether the same strong association with MLV-related viruses is found in other groups of patients with CFS, whether these viruses play a causative role in the development of CFS, and whether they represent a threat to the blood supply.