穆古斯和同事们的研究不仅清楚地展示了绿脓杆菌致病的手段,而且由于它凸显了细菌6型分泌系统和噬菌体之间功能的相似点,从而为人们提出了有趣的进化观点。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Type VI secretion delivers bacteriolytic effectors to target cells
Alistair B. Russell; Rachel D. Hood; Nhat Khai Bui; Michele LeRoux; Waldemar Vollmer; Joseph D. Mougous
Peptidoglycan is the major structural constituent of the bacterial cell wall, forming a meshwork outside the cytoplasmic membrane that maintains cell shape and prevents lysis. In Gram-negative bacteria, peptidoglycan is located in the periplasm, where it is protected from exogenous lytic enzymes by the outer membrane. Here we show that the type VI secretion system of Pseudomonas aeruginosa breaches this barrier to deliver two effector proteins, Tse1 and Tse3, to the periplasm of recipient cells. In this compartment, the effectors hydrolyse peptidoglycan, thereby providing a fitness advantage for P. aeruginosa cells in competition with other bacteria. To protect itself from lysis by Tse1 and Tse3, P. aeruginosa uses specific periplasmically localized immunity proteins. The requirement for these immunity proteins depends on intercellular self-intoxication through an active type VI secretion system, indicating a mechanism for export whereby effectors do not access donor cell periplasm in transit.