法国巴斯德研究所等机构研究人员8月2日在美国《传染病期刊》(The Journal of Infectious Diseases)网络版上报告说,他们对多国疫情监控系统数据进行分析后确认,2000年至2008年间,这种名为耐多药肯塔基沙门氏菌的菌株导致法国、英国、丹麦共489人感染。
沙门氏菌是人类面临的重要公共健康威胁之一。美国每年约有4万人感染沙门氏菌,1999年至2008年,欧洲超过160万人感染沙门氏菌。感染沙门氏菌者病情一般比较温和,但老人以及免疫系统虚弱者病情会比较严重,此时的普遍治疗方式是服用环丙沙星等氟喹诺酮类抗生素。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
International Spread of an Epidemic Population of Salmonella enterica Serotype Kentucky ST198 Resistant to Ciprofloxacin
Simon Le Hello, Rene S. Hendriksen, Benot Doublet, Ian Fisher, Eva Mller Nielsen, Jean M. Whichard, Brahim Bouchrif, Kayode Fashae, Sophie A. Granier, Nathalie Jourdan-Da Silva, Axel Cloeckaert, E. John Threlfall, Frederick J. Angulo, Frank M. Aarestrup, John Wain4 and Franois-Xavier Weill
Many persistent pain states (pain lasting for hours, days, or longer) are poorly treated because of the limitations of existing therapies. Analgesics such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids often provide incomplete pain relief and prolonged use results in the development of severe side effects. Identification of the key mediators of various types of pain could improve such therapies. Here, we tested the hypothesis that hitherto unrecognized cytokines and chemokines might act as mediators in inflammatory pain. We used ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation to induce persistent, abnormal sensitivity to pain in humans and rats. The expression of more than 90 different inflammatory mediators was measured in treated skin at the peak of UVB-induced hypersensitivity with custom-made