据悉,许多医疗设备,包括人工髋关节、假牙、导管等,均可能面临不速之客—被称为生物膜的病原微生物的复杂共同体,它们可对人体免疫系统和抗生素产生抵抗性,这是人类健康的一个严重威胁。然而,研究人员可能有研究生物膜的一个新方法,该研究8月2日在线发表在开放存取期刊《PLoS Biology》上,由Iowa大学的生物学家David Soll和他的同事完成。
“这两种外表相似、但功能不同的生物膜为我们发现是什么使致病的生物膜对所有的攻击均产生抵抗性,而有性生物膜则不产生抵抗性,提供了一种工具,”Soll说。“无论这种差异是什么,都将代表未来药物发现的主要目标。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Alternative Mating Type Configurations (a/α versus a/a or α/α) of Candida albicans Result in Alternative Biofilms Regulated by Different Pathways
Song Yi, Nidhi Sahni, Karla J. Daniels, Kevin L. Lu, Thyagarajan Srikantha, Guanghua Huang, Adam M. Garnaas, David R. Soll
Many persistent pain states (pain lasting for hours, days, or longer) are poorly treated because of the limitations of existing therapies. Analgesics such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and opioids often provide incomplete pain relief and prolonged use results in the development of severe side effects. Identification of the key mediators of various types of pain could improve such therapies. Here, we tested the hypothesis that hitherto unrecognized cytokines and chemokines might act as mediators in inflammatory pain. We used ultraviolet B (UVB) irradiation to induce persistent, abnormal sensitivity to pain in humans and rats. The expression of more than 90 different inflammatory mediators was measured in treated skin at the peak of UVB-induced hypersensitivity with custom-made