当与真菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)一起培育时,铅弹头上形成磷氯铅矿和其他铅金属矿。图片来自Geoffrey Michael Gadd。
根据2012年1月12日在线发表在Cell子刊Current Biology上的一篇研究论文,某种真菌物种能够将铅金属转化为磷氯铅矿(pyromorphite)。这些发现着重表明微生物在地质作用中发挥着重要作用,提示着一种可能的生物修复铅污染土壤的方法。这也是真菌起着将铅金属矿物质化作用的第一个例子。
铅金属暴露在大气、湿度和pH中能够产生铅氧化物和铅盐。修复铅污染土壤的策略的着重点是将铅转化为最稳定形式的磷氯铅矿。已知真菌能够让诸如铀之类的其他毒性化合物去毒,去毒方式就是将它们转换为矿物形式。因此来自英国邓迪大学的Geoff Gadd推断真菌也可能对铅做同样的事情。
Lead Transformation to Pyromorphite by Fungi
Young Joon Rhee, Stephen Hillier, Geoffrey Michael Gadd
Lead (Pb) is a serious environmental pollutant in all its chemical forms. Attempts have been made to immobilize lead in soil as the mineral pyromorphite using phosphate amendments (e.g., rock phosphate, phosphoric acid, and apatite), although our work has demonstrated that soil fungi are able to transform pyromorphite into lead oxalate. Lead metal, an important structural and industrial material, is subject to weathering, and soil contamination also occurs through hunting and shooting. Although fungi are increasingly appreciated as geologic agents, there is a distinct lack of knowledge about their involvement in lead geochemistry. We examined the influence of fungal activity on lead metal and discovered that metallic lead can be transformed into chloropyromorphite, the most stable lead mineral that exists. This is of geochemical significance, not only regarding lead fate and cycling in the environment but also in relation to the phosphate cycle and linked with microbial transformations of inorganic and organic phosphorus. This paper provides the first report of mycogenic chloropyromorphite formation from metallic lead and highlights the significance of this phenomenon as a biotic component of lead biogeochemistry, with additional consequences for microbial survival in lead-contaminated environments and bioremedial treatments for Pb-contaminated land.