密歇根州立大学微生物学和分子遗传学教授詹姆斯·提亚杰(James Tiedje)表示,科学家们目前尚无法解释为何抗生素的摄入会加速动物身体的成长并由此提升饲料产出效率,但是他们担心这种抗生素的添加将增强牲畜体内微生物对多种存在争议的抗生素药物的抗药性,这些抗生素药物对于人体和动物本身的健康存在潜在的风险。他说:“病原体的抗生素药物抗药性变强对于全世界来说都将是一个巨大的挑战。因此了解究竟是何种机制导致这种增强效应,以及如何去控制它是至关重要的。”
美国农业部研究人员托里·罗夫特(Torey Looft)说:“据我们所知,这是首次针对农场饲料中抗生素的添加产生何种影响进行的专门研究。借助综合手段观察牲畜肠道菌群的功能及组成方面发生的变化。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)
In-feed antibiotic effects on the swine intestinal microbiome
Torey Looft, Timothy A. Johnson, Heather K. Allen, Darrell O. Bayles, David P. Alt, Robert D. Stedtfeld, Woo Jun Sul, Tiffany M. Stedtfeld, Benli Chai, James R. Cole, Syed A. Hashsham, James M. Tiedje, and Thad B. Stanton
Antibiotics have been administered to agricultural animals for disease treatment, disease prevention, and growth promotion for over 50 y. The impact of such antibiotic use on the treatment of human diseases is hotly debated. We raised pigs in a highly controlled environment, with one portion of the littermates receiving a diet containing performance-enhancing antibiotics [chlortetracycline, sulfamethazine, and penicillin (known as ASP250)] and the other portion receiving the same diet but without the antibiotics. We used phylogenetic, metagenomic, and quantitative PCR-based approaches to address the impact of antibiotics on the swine gut microbiota. Bacterial phylotypes shifted after 14 d of antibiotic treatment, with the medicated pigs showing an increase in Proteobacteria (1–11%) compared with nonmedicated pigs at the same time point. This shift was driven by an increase in Escherichia coli populations. Analysis of the metagenomes showed that microbial functional genes relating to energy production and conversion were increased in the antibiotic-fed pigs. The results also indicate that antibiotic resistance genes increased in abundance and diversity in the medicated swine microbiome despite a high background of resistance genes in nonmedicated swine. Some enriched genes, such as aminoglycoside O-phosphotransferases, confer resistance to antibiotics that were not administered in this study, demonstrating the potential for indirect selection of resistance to classes of antibiotics not fed. The collateral effects of feeding subtherapeutic doses of antibiotics to agricultural animals are apparent and must be considered in cost-benefit analyses.