日前,美国和荷兰科学家制备了一种致命禽流感病毒。迈耶认为,尽管禽流感病毒成为可在人类传染的病毒仅需5次变异,但这种病毒能够自然而然地在突然间完成所有突变是不太可能的。如果每步条件都允许,它可以循序渐进地进化,一步一步地完成进化过程。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Repeatability and Contingency in the Evolution of a Key Innovation in Phage Lambda
Justin R. Meyer, Devin T. Dobias, Joshua S. Weitz, Jeffrey E. Barrick,Ryan T. Quick, Richard E. Lenski
The processes responsible for the evolution of key innovations, whereby lineages acquire qualitatively new functions that expand their ecological opportunities, remain poorly understood. We examined how a virus, bacteriophage λ, evolved to infect its host, Escherichia coli, through a novel pathway. Natural selection promoted the fixation of mutations in the virus’s host-recognition protein, J, that improved fitness on the original receptor, LamB, and set the stage for other mutations that allowed infection through a new receptor, OmpF. These viral mutations arose after the host evolved reduced expression of LamB, whereas certain other host mutations prevented the phage from evolving the new function. This study shows the complex interplay between genomic processes and ecological conditions that favor the emergence of evolutionary innovations.