该研究项目的领导者、英国牛津大学的徐小宁教授指出,人体内的流感特异性T细胞能够在没有任何抗体反应的情况下抑制流感病毒,会大大降低病毒在人与人之间的传播几率。而新发现的重要意义在于,它为未来广谱流感疫苗的研究提供了理论基础。未来的流感疫苗,不仅能如传统季节性流感疫苗一样促发抗体反应,还会通过病毒载体或佐剂刺激T细胞,使其更有效地发挥杀伤作用。他表示,未来的流感疫苗或许能够像流行性腮腺炎疫苗或麻疹疫苗一样,仅需注射几次即可长期发挥作用,使注射者在其后几十年甚至终生都免受流感病毒的侵袭。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
Preexisting influenza-specific CD4+ T cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humans
Tom M Wilkinson, Chris K F Li,, Cecilia S C Chui, Arthur K Y Huang,, Molly Perkins, Julia C Liebner, Rob Lambkin-Williams, Anthony Gilbert, John Oxford, Ben Nicholas, Karl J Staples, Tao Dong, Daniel C Douek, Andrew J McMichael & Xiao-Ning Xu
Protective immunity against influenza virus infection is mediated by neutralizing antibodies, but the precise role of T cells in human influenza immunity is uncertain. We conducted influenza infection studies in healthy volunteers with no detectable antibodies to the challenge viruses H3N2 or H1N1. We mapped T cell responses to influenza before and during infection. We found a large increase in influenza-specific T cell responses by day 7, when virus was completely cleared from nasal samples and serum antibodies were still undetectable. Preexisting CD4+, but not CD8+, T cells responding to influenza internal proteins were associated with lower virus shedding and less severe illness. These CD4+ cells also responded to pandemic H1N1 (A/CA/07/2009) peptides and showed evidence of cytotoxic activity. These cells are an important statistical correlate of homotypic and heterotypic response and may limit severity of influenza infection by new strains in the absence of specific antibody responses. Our results provide information that may aid the design of future vaccines against emerging influenza strains.