近日,国际权威期刊《新发传染病期刊》(Emerging Infectious Diseases)上发表了上海交通大学农业与生物学院人兽共患病与比较医学团队与美国耶鲁大学、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学等相关团队合作的研究成果。研究者首次从伴有发热、肌肉酸痛、血尿等症状的不明原因病人红细胞内分离、鉴定出肾形目寄生虫新种(Colpodella),证实原先只感染海藻及其他海洋原生动物的寄生虫也能感染人类。
研究证明,Colpodella是一种新发现的高致病性人类红细胞内寄生虫。临床表现与感染巴贝斯虫的病人类似,通过扩增保守核糖体基因、显微染色、透射电镜、 血清免疫荧光、小亚基核糖体核酸基因种系发生关系分析鉴定为新型寄生虫,其分离虫株命名为Colpodellid strain HEP 。
olpodella spp.–like Parasite Infection in Woman, China
Cong L. Yuan, Patrick J. Keeling, Peter J. Krause, Ales Horak, Stephen Bent, Lindsay Rollend, and Xiu G. Hua
The phylum Apicomplexa comprises intracellular protozoa that include many human pathogens. Their nearest relatives are chromerids and colpodellids. We report a case of a Babesia spp.–like relapsing infection caused by a newly described microorganism related to the Apicomplexa. This case is highly suggestive of a previously undescribed type of colpodellid that infects vertebrates.