亚马逊是地球上生物最为多样性的区域之一。2011年,耶鲁大学科学家在亚马逊收集的植物中发现微生物并且培养它们。在培养的微生物样品当中,他们发现一种能够降解塑料物质聚氨基甲酸酯的真菌,即小孢拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis microspora)。
聚氨基甲酸酯能被燃烧,但是这会释放有害的一氧化碳到大气中,同时产生其他的有毒化学物。2011年,分子生化学家Scott Strobel教授领导的一个研究小组发现小孢拟盘多毛孢不仅吃聚氨基甲酸酯,而且还能在只由聚氨基甲酸酯组成的食物中存活。再者,它能够在无氧环境下存活,比如它能够在垃圾填埋场内部深处缺氧区域存在。
这种真菌是由研究生Pria Anand在厄瓜多尔丛林中发现的,而另一名研究生Jonathan Russell在它当中鉴定出一种丝氨酸水解酶,人们认为正是这种酶让该真菌能够降解聚氨基甲酸酯。这两位研究生正在耶鲁大学分子物理学和生物化学部门学习。
2011年9月,描述这一发现的论文发表在Applied and Environmental Microbiology期刊上。论文作者们提示着类似小孢拟盘多毛孢之类的内生性真菌可能被用来在自然条件下降解诸如聚氨基甲酸酯之类的废弃产品,这一过程也称作生物修复(bioremediation)。(生物谷:towersimper编译)
Biodegradation of Polyester Polyurethane by Endophytic Fungi
Jonathan R. Russell, Jeffrey Huang, Pria Anand, Kaury Kucera, Amanda G. Sandoval, Kathleen W. Dantzler, DaShawn Hickman, Justin Jee, Farrah M. Kimovec, David Koppstein, Daniel H. Marks, Paul A. Mittermiller, Salvador Joel Núñez, Marina Santiago, Maria A. Townes, Michael Vishnevetsky, Neely E. Williams, Mario Percy Núñez Vargas, Lori-Ann Boulanger, Carol Bascom-Slack and Scott A. Strobel
Bioremediation is an important approach to waste reduction that relies on biological processes to break down a variety of pollutants. This is made possible by the vast metabolic diversity of the microbial world. To explore this diversity for the breakdown of plastic, we screened several dozen endophytic fungi for their ability to degrade the synthetic polymer polyester polyurethane (PUR). Several organisms demonstrated the ability to efficiently degrade PUR in both solid and liquid suspensions. Particularly robust activity was observed among several isolates in the genus Pestalotiopsis, although it was not a universal feature of this genus. Two Pestalotiopsis microspora isolates were uniquely able to grow on PUR as the sole carbon source under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Molecular characterization of this activity suggests that a serine hydrolase is responsible for degradation of PUR. The broad distribution of activity observed and the unprecedented case of anaerobic growth using PUR as the sole carbon source suggest that endophytes are a promising source of biodiversity from which to screen for metabolic properties useful for bioremediation.