近日,来自中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所国际实验室的研究人员设计并开发出了高通量微生物培养芯片,该芯片目前设计已申请专利,相关研究结果已在国际杂志Small和Lab on a Chip上发表。
中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所国际实验室的甘明哲博士设计开发了一种用于细菌平行悬浮培养的多通道微流控芯片(图1),可以一次进行多个细菌培养实验。该芯片在7.5×5 cm2面积上集成32个独立平行的细菌培养单元,每个单元的培养液需求量极少,仅为50nL。在集成的气动微泵驱动下,培养单元内的液体能够循环流动,带动细菌在培养液中悬浮生长,且液体流速基本一致,适合进行平行实验。由于整个芯片材料透明,可以随时观察芯片内细菌的生长情况。在此芯片上,分别进行了大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、施氏假单胞菌、运动发酵单胞菌等重要工业细菌的悬浮培养测试,证实了该芯片对于不同细菌培养的通用性。该芯片制作工艺简单、制作成本低,是一种高效的细菌悬浮培养解决方案。
A scalable microfluidic chip for bacterial suspension culture
Mingzhe Gan , Jing Su , Jing Wang , Hongkai Wu and Liwei Chen
Microfluidic systems could, in principle, enable high-throughput breeding and screening of microbial strains for industrial applications, but parallel and scalable culture and detection chips are needed before complete microbial selection systems can be integrated and tested. Here we demonstrate a scalable multi-channel chip that is capable of bacterial suspension culture. The key invention is a multi-layered chip design, which enables a single set of control channels to function as serial peristaltic pumps to drive parallel culture chamber loops. Such design leads to scalability of the culture chip. We demonstrate that E. coli growth in the chip is equivalent or superior to conventional suspension culture on shaking beds. The chip could also be used for suspension culture of other microbes such as Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas stutzeri, and Zymomonas mobilis, indicating its general applicability for bacterial suspension culture.
Massively Parallel Bacterial and Yeast Suspension Culture on a Chip
Mingzhe Gan1, Yunfang Tang1, Yiwei Shu2, Hongkai Wu2, Liwei Chen1,*
A new microfluidic chip integrated with 120 parallelmicrobial suspension culture units is demonstrated. Various bacterial strains and even yeast can be cultivated on the chip. With a high degree of integration and simple fabrication process, this chip could be a central component for future high-throughput microbial screening and selection systems.