现在,在一篇最近发表在PNAS上的文章中,耶路撒冷希伯来大学 研究人员已经揭示了海洋细菌为什么发光的神秘面纱。它与"壮丽生存"有关。
这篇文章以埃拉特大学海洋科学研究所毕业生Margarita Zarubin在Amatzia Genin教授指导下开展的研究为基础,并与希伯来大学 西尔伯曼生命科学研究所的Shimshon Belkin教授及其学生Michael Ionescu合作开展,其中Amatzia Genin教授是耶路撒冷希伯来大学进化、系统学与生态学系的主任。
Bacterial bioluminescence as a lure formarine zooplankton and fish
Margarita Zarubina,Shimshon Belkinc, Michael Ionescuc, and Amatzia Genina
The benefits of bioluminescence for nonsymbiotic marine bacteria have not been elucidated fully. One of the most commonly cited explanations, proposed more than 30 y ago, is that bioluminescence augments the propagation and dispersal of bacteria by attracting fish to consume the luminous material. This hypothesis, based mostly on the prevalence of luminous bacteria in fish guts, has not been tested experimentally. Here we show that zooplankton that contacts and feeds on the luminescent bacterium Photobacterium leiognathi starts to glow, and demonstrate by video recordings that glowing individuals are highly vulnerable to predation by nocturnal fish. Glowing bacteria thereby are transferred to the nutritious guts of fish and zooplankton, where they survive digestion and gain effective means for growth and dispersal. Using bioluminescence as bait appears to be highly beneficial for marine bacteria, especially in food-deprived environments of the deep sea.