3月22日,国际著名杂志Science在线刊登了国外研究人员的最新研究成果“Microbial Exposure During Early Life Has Persistent Effects on Natural Killer T Cell Function,”,文章中,研究者表示,早期接触微生物可通过改变自然杀伤细胞T细胞的数量和功能而抑制炎症。
研究者的这些发现提供了“卫生学假说”的证据;该假说提出,在世界上许多地方出现的哮喘及其它炎症性疾病发生率的增加可能是因为在生命的早期与微生物接触减少有关。 然而,微生物究竟是如何防止这些疾病的发生仍然是一个谜。 Torsten Olszak及其同事现在用小鼠展示,细菌群落帮助调节了小鼠结肠和肺内的叫做自然杀伤性细胞T细胞或NKT细胞的免疫细胞的数量和功能。
无菌小鼠在这些组织中有着较高数量的NKT细胞,而这又伴随了CXCL16表达的增加,CXCL16是与炎症相关的一种受体。 无菌小鼠更容易罹患化学诱导的结肠炎(结肠的炎症)并对过敏性哮喘的诱发更为敏感。 给这些无菌小鼠重新植入不同的菌群防止了结肠炎及对哮喘的敏感性,并使NKT细胞计数维持在低水平,但这些只发生在小鼠刚出生时接触过细菌的情况下。 在成年时接触微生物无法令疾病和炎症逆转。 这些结果表明,及早接触微生物对免疫系统的炎症敏感性具有重要且持久的影响。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Microbial Exposure During Early Life Has Persistent Effects on Natural Killer T Cell Function
Torsten Olszak1,*, Dingding An2,*, Sebastian Zeissig3, Miguel Pinilla Vera4, Julia Richter5, Andre Franke6, Jonathan N. Glickman7, Reiner Siebert5, Rebecca M. Baron4, Dennis L. Kasper2,†‡, Richard S. Blumberg1,†‡
Exposure to microbes during early childhood is associated with protection from immune-mediated diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and asthma. Here, we show that, in germ-free (GF) mice, invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells accumulate in the colonic lamina propria and lung, resulting in increased morbidity in models of IBD and allergic asthma compared to specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice. This was associated with increased intestinal and pulmonary expression of the chemokine ligand CXCL16, which was associated with increased mucosal iNKT cells. Colonization of neonatal—but not adult—GF mice with a conventional microbiota protected the animals from mucosal iNKT accumulation and related pathology. These results indicate that age-sensitive contact with commensal microbes is critical for establishing mucosal iNKT cell tolerance to later environmental exposures.