该理论的提出者把它叫做“黑桃皇后理论”,该理论认为,一些微生物的需求可以由其他的微生物来满足,使得微生物可以减少所必须携带的基因并互相依赖,实现更高效的生存。在这些情况下,这对于微生物具有进化上的意义,可让它们舍弃累赘基因。研究的作者,来自密歇根州立大学的Richard Lenski及J. Jeffrey Morris以及田纳西大学的Erik Zinser以红心大战游戏中的黑桃皇后为该理论命名,在这个游戏中,通常的策略是要避免拿到黑桃皇后这张牌的。
“这是一个全面的理论,解释了自由生存的微生物如何进化为互为依赖地生存,”负责编辑修改论文的哈佛大学的Richard Losick说。“这个理论的核心就是,许多功能基因产物从细胞中分泌出来成为共有的,”他说道。
The Black Queen Hypothesis: Evolution of Dependencies through Adaptive Gene Loss
J. Jeffrey Morris, Richard E. Lenski, Erik R. Zinser
Reductive genomic evolution, driven by genetic drift, is common in endosymbiotic bacteria. Genome reduction is less common in free-living organisms, but it has occurred in the numerically dominant open-ocean bacterioplankton Prochlorococcus and “Candidatus Pelagibacter,” and in these cases the reduction appears to be driven by natural selection rather than drift. Gene loss in free-living organisms may leave them dependent on cooccurring microbes for lost metabolic functions. We present the Black Queen Hypothesis (BQH), a novel theory of reductive evolution that explains how selection leads to such dependencies; its name refers to the queen of spades in the game Hearts, where the usual strategy is to avoid taking this card. Gene loss can provide a selective advantage by conserving an organism’s limiting resources, provided the gene’s function is dispensable. Many vital genetic functions are leaky, thereby unavoidably producing public goods that are available to the entire community. Such leaky functions are thus dispensable for individuals, provided they are not lost entirely from the community. The BQH predicts that the loss of a costly, leaky function is selectively favored at the individual level and will proceed until the production of public goods is just sufficient to support the equilibrium community; at that point, the benefit of any further loss would be offset by the cost. Evolution in accordance with the BQH thus generates “beneficiaries” of reduced genomic content that are dependent on leaky “helpers,” and it may explain the observed nonuniversality of prototrophy, stress resistance, and other cellular functions in the microbial world.