我们总是需要比自己小的人。美国Montana大学的Gary Strobel的发现再次证明了这点。这个科学家发现,粘帚粉红聚端孢(Gliocladium roseum)在缺氧的情况下可以产生碳氢化合物。这些混合物质让人不禁想起汽油。
这个月,Microbiology杂志发表了他的粘帚粉红聚端孢(Gliocladium roseum)具有能源功效的发现。这种真菌已经用于对抗草莓灰色腐烂。Strobel在巴塔哥尼亚北部发现了一种树木,在常态下,它们身上的微生真菌会释放出气体。在缺氧情况下,就逸出一系列易挥发的碳水分子,这些碳水分子通常只会在石油里发现。这些微生物以纤维素为食。那些苦苦寻找生产农业碳氢燃料又不想占用粮食作物的企业,将会对这项发现感兴趣。
Modulation of volatile organic compound formation in the Mycodiesel-producing endophyte Hypoxylon sp. CI-4
Syed Riyaz Ul-Hassan, Gary A. Strobel, Eric Booth, Berk Knighton, Cody Floerchinger and Joe Sears
An endophytic Hypoxylon sp. (strain CI-4) producing a wide spectrum of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including 1,8-cineole, 1-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene and cyclohexane, 1,2,4-tris(methylene), was selected as a candidate for the modulation of VOC production. This was done in order to learn if the production of these and other VOCs can be affected by using agents that may modulate the epigenetics of the fungus. Many of the VOCs made by this organism are of interest because of their high energy densities and thus the potential they might have as Mycodiesel fuels. Strain CI-4 was exposed to the epigenetic modulators suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA, a histone deacetylase) and 5-azacytidine (AZA, a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor). After these treatments the organism displayed striking cultural changes, including variations in pigmentation, growth rates and odour, in addition to significant differences in the bioactivities of the VOCs. The resulting variants were designated CI4-B, CI4-AZA and CI4-SAHA. GC/MS analyses of the VOCs produced by the variants showed considerable variation, with the emergence of several compounds not previously observed in the wild-type, particularly an array of tentatively identified terpenes such as α-thujene, sabinene, γ-terpinene, α-terpinolene and β-selinene, in addition to several primary and secondary alkanes, alkenes, organic acids and derivatives of benzene. Proton transfer reaction mass spectroscopic analyses showed a marked increase in the ratio of ethanol (mass 47) to the total mass of all other ionizable VOCs, from ~0.6 in the untreated strain CI-4 to ~0.8 in CI-4 grown in the presence of AZA. Strain CI4-B was created by exposure of the fungus to 100 µM SAHA; upon removal of the epigenetic modulator from the culture medium, it did not revert to the wild-type phenotype. Results of this study have implications for understanding why there may be a wide range of VOCs found in various isolates of this fungus in nature.