来自美国哈佛-麻省理工布罗德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)的Deborah Hung和她的同事们一直努力寻找一种新方法在解决这种问题。根据2012年4月2日发表在PNAS期刊上的一篇论文,他们开发出一种全新的方法在几个小时而不是几周内就能够检测到细菌耐药性。
当细菌在含有抗生素的培养基中培养时,在它们的生长受到抑制之前,敏感性细菌也发生一些变化。抗生素药物有效地阻断细胞过程并对这些敏感性细菌的生存施加压力,结果这些细菌通过开启和关闭某些基因来做出反应,从而改变它们的转录编程(transcriptional programming)。这些变化能够在它们的RNA转录物中观察到。
论文第一作者James Gomez说,“抗生素在几个小时甚至几分钟内就对细菌产生无法观察到的影响。这就意味着RNA转录特征(transcriptional signature)将是一个超级快的方法来辨别细菌是否对抗生素治疗产生反应。”
本文译自Medicalxpress, "Researchers move step closer to rapidly detecting resistant tuberculosis, other pathogens", April 5, 2012 By Haley Bridger.
RNA signatures allow rapid identification of pathogens and antibiotic susceptibilities
Amy K. Barczak, James E. Gomez, Benjamin B. Kaufmann, Ella R. Hinson, Lisa Cosimi, Mark L. Borowsky, Andrew B. Onderdonk, Sarah A. Stanley, Devinder Kaur, Kevin F. Bryant, David M. Knipe, Alexander Sloutsky, and Deborah T. Hung
With rising rates of drug-resistant infections, there is a need for diagnostic methods that rapidly can detect the presence of pathogens and reveal their susceptibility to antibiotics. Here we propose an approach to diagnosing the presence and drug-susceptibility of infectious diseases based on direct detection of RNA from clinical samples. We demonstrate that species-specific RNA signatures can be used to identify a broad spectrum of infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites. Moreover, we show that the behavior of a small set of bacterial transcripts after a brief antibiotic pulse can rapidly differentiate drug-susceptible and -resistant organisms and that these measurements can be made directly from clinical materials. Thus, transcriptional signatures could form the basis of a uniform diagnostic platform applicable across a broad range of infectious agents.