近日,国际杂志MicrobiologyOpen在线刊登了中科院地质与地球物理研究所研究人员的最新研究成果“Short-term effects of temperature on the abundance and diversity of magnetotactic cocci.,”,文章中,研究者发现生长温度影响趋磁细菌数量和种群多样性。
趋磁细菌是一类能沿地磁场磁力线方向运动的微生物的总称,它们在体内合成磁铁矿 (Fe3O4) 或胶黄铁矿 (Fe3S4) 磁小体,多呈链状排列。这类细菌在自然界分布十分广泛、易于磁收集且多样性适中,可以作为研究微生物响应气候和环境变化的理想模式生物类群。
Short-term effects of temperature on the abundance and diversity of magnetotactic cocci
Wei Lin1,2,*, Yinzhao Wang1,2, Yongxin Pan1,2
Temperature is one of the most important climate factors that can regulate the activity and growth of organisms. However, it is so far unclear how temperature influences the abundance and community composition of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) that mineralize intracellular magnetite and/or greigite magnetosomes and play significant roles in the global iron cycling and sediment magnetization. To address this specific problem, in this study we have assessed the impact of temperature on freshwater magnetotactic cocci through laboratory microcosm simulations. Microcosms containing MTB were exposed to four constant temperatures ranging from 9°C to 37°C. After 10 days and 28 days of incubation, no significant differences in abundance were detected in microcosms at 9°C, 15°C, and 26°C (Student's t-test, P > 0.05); however, microcosms exposed to 37°C exhibited a significant decrease of magnetotactic cocci abundance (P < 0.05). Dendrogram analysis of community-amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (community ARDRA) banding patterns distinguished the 37°C samples from samples at lower temperatures regardless of incubation periods. Furthermore, clone library analysis revealed that most of the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) detected in samples from 9°C to 26°C were absent from the 37°C microcosms, whereas six OTUs were exclusively detected in the 37°C samples. Community compositions from four incubation temperatures were further compared using statistical phylogenetic methods (UniFrac and LIBSHUFF), which revealed that the 37°C samples harbored phylogenetically distinct MTB communities compared to those found in 9°C, 15°C, and 26°C samples. Taken together, our results indicate that elevated temperature can influence the abundance and diversity of dominant members of magnetotactic cocci. This linkage further infers that the abundance and diversity of MTB (e.g., based on the fossil magnetosomes) may be useful in reconstruction of paleotemperature.