近日,Cell旗下著名杂志Cell Host & Microbe在线刊登了哈佛医学院研究人员的最新研究成果“Host Translational Inhibition by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A Triggers an Immune Response in Caenorhabditis elegans,”,文章中,研究者研究了铜绿假单胞菌(绿脓杆菌)触发秀丽隐杆线虫肠道天然免疫力的分子机制。
肠道上皮细胞(IECs)长期暴露于无害和有害的微生物群落中,为了引起合适的免疫反应,肠道上皮细胞必须区分出哪种细菌致病,哪种细菌是共生无害的。目前,对于IECs如何识别并且和致病微生物的毒力因子发生免疫反应,我们尚不清楚。在本研究中,来自哈佛医学院的研究者Frederick M.Ausubel用秀丽隐杆线虫(C.elegans)来研究IECs识别致病菌的分子机理。秀丽隐杆线虫缺少专门的免疫细胞,因此IECs完全充当了C.elegans抵御绿脓杆菌的主要防御系统,当铜绿假单胞菌PA14积累在C.elegans肠脏处时,可以引发宿主的机体损伤、抗微生物相关基因的表达量增加以及最终杀死线虫宿主。
近日的一些研究数据显示,相比野生型菌株,加热灭活的绿脓杆菌或者毒力降低的突变体菌株可以诱导宿主基因的低水平表达,这就暗示了C.elegans的免疫能力的激活是由于绿脓杆菌感染后通过DAMPs(damage-associated molecular patterns,损伤相关的分子样式)途径来产生的。基于这些数据,作者假设,由于单一的绿脓杆菌因子产生的DAMP信号分子途径或者宿主的修饰有可能对于触发C.elegans免疫系统的产生是足够的。
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Host Translational Inhibition by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A Triggers an Immune Response in Caenorhabditis elegans
Deborah L. McEwan, Natalia V. Kirienko, Frederick M. Ausubel
Intestinal epithelial cells are exposed to both innocuous and pathogenic microbes, which need to be distinguished to mount an effective immune response. To understand the mechanisms underlying pathogen recognition, we investigated how Pseudomonas aeruginosa triggers intestinal innate immunity in Caenorhabditis elegans, a process independent of Toll-like pattern recognition receptors. We show that the P. aeruginosa translational inhibitor Exotoxin A (ToxA), which ribosylates elongation factor 2 (EF2), upregulates a significant subset of genes normally induced by P. aeruginosa. Moreover, immune pathways involving the ATF-7 and ZIP-2 transcription factors, which protect C. elegans from P. aeruginosa, are required for preventing ToxA-mediated lethality. ToxA-responsive genes are not induced by enzymatically inactive ToxA protein but can be upregulated independently of ToxA by disruption of host protein translation. Thus, C. elegans has a surveillance mechanism to recognize ToxA through its effect on protein translation rather than by direct recognition of either ToxA or ribosylated EF2.