近日,国际著名杂志《美国国家科学院院刊》PNAS在线刊登了法国巴黎皮埃尔-玛丽居里大学研究者的最新研究成果“Bacteriophage T4 polynucleotide kinase triggers degradation of mRNAs”,文章中,研究者揭示了T4噬菌体可以利用聚核苷酸激酶(polynucleotide kinase)来触发mRNAs的降解。
尽管我们目前已经找到了在大肠杆菌中T4噬菌体mRNA降解的不同途径,但是对于T4噬菌体降解自身的mRNA、对宿主的贡献或影响以及噬菌体因子所发挥的作用,目前我们并不清楚。当T4噬菌体感染宿主之后,早期mRNA的合成是由宿主的RNases来完成的,这些核糖核酸酶中,3’-5’外切核酸酶、聚核苷酸磷酸化酶、RNase R以及II型核糖核酸酶、低聚糖核糖核酸酶在噬菌体的mRNAs降解为单核苷酸的过程中发挥着必不可少的作用。
其中,RNase E和G都参与了噬菌体mRNA的降解,并且可以识别天然的5’端残基;被RNase E和G 5’端单磷酸化修饰过的RNA片段可以快速再次被RNase E和G所识别并且修饰,这样一来便会形成一系列的内切酶切口。RegB是T4噬菌体感染宿主后不久表达的一种核糖核酸内切酶特异性的序列,它以大部分早期基因的SD序列为靶点,对于SD序列分割后的直接结果便是导致mRNAs功能性的失活,另外,RegB可以加速T4噬菌体早期大量mRNA的降解以及mRNAs中RegB类似序列的缺席。目前RegB促进mRNAs降解的机制尚不清楚,一种可能性是,RegB可以通过增加长多顺反子mRNAs的3’-5’外切核糖核酸酶的进入位点来加速mRNA的降解;另外一种解释是,一些早期的转录本需要RNaseG和G的修饰分裂,并且依赖于RegB上游一些核苷酸类的主要分离修饰。RegB可以出发一系列的内切核苷酸的切口,进而引起5’-3’端转录本的降解。
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Bacteriophage T4 polynucleotide kinase triggers degradation of mRNAs
Sylvain Duranda, Graziella Richardb, François Bontemsc, and Marc Uzand,1
The bacteriophage T4-encoded RegB endoribonuclease is produced during the early stage of phage development and targets mostly (but not exclusively) the Shine–Dalgarno sequences of early genes. In this work, we show that the degradation of RegB-cleaved mRNAs depends on a functional T4 polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNK). The 5′-OH produced by RegB cleavage is phosphorylated by the kinase activity of PNK. This modification allows host RNases G and E, with activity that is strongly stimulated by 5′-monophosphate termini, to attack mRNAs from the 5′-end, causing their destabilization. The PNK-dependent pathway of degradation becomes effective 5 min postinfection, consistent with our finding that several minutes are required for PNK to accumulate after infection. Our work emphasizes the importance of the nature of the 5′ terminus for mRNA stability and depicts a pathway of mRNA degradation with 5′- to 3′-polarity in cells devoid of 5′–3′ exonucleases. It also ascribes a role for T4 PNK during normal phage development.