近日,国际权威学术期刊《微生物与感染》(Microbes and infection)在线发表了中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所研究人员的最新研究成果,揭示了日本脑炎病毒NS1’蛋白的产生机制,及其在病毒感染引起的细胞凋亡过程中被caspase剪切的特性。
研究发现,中枢神经系统趋向的脑炎病毒血清组(JE serogroup)能够特异表达一个非结构蛋白NS1的衍生蛋白——NS1'。根据最新的生物信息学推测,NS1' 是由位于NS1 C端,NS2a基因上游的pseudoknot结构引发的核糖体-1读码框位移而产生,并且被初步证明与病毒的神经细胞侵染性(neuron-invassiveness)相关。
博士研究生孙瑾等在杜文圣客座研究员(Vincent Deubel)的指导下,利用分子生物学手段首次在日本脑炎病毒中证实了上述NS1'的核糖体移码产生机制,并根据移码肽段成功制备了特异性针对NS1'的抗体。利用这一抗体,研究人员发现NS1'在日本脑炎病毒疫苗株SA14-14-2中因单碱基突变而缺失,推测该突变为疫苗株病毒的减毒标记。同时通过观察日本脑炎病毒感染过程中细胞的凋亡进程,推测NS1'为caspase这一介导细胞凋亡的蛋白水解酶的底物,caspase在凋亡进程中被活化后对NS1'蛋白进行剪切,该剪切发生于NS1' 381位残基之后。
Japanese encephalitis virus NS1′ protein depends on pseudoknot secondary structure and is cleaved by caspase during virus infection and cell apoptosis
Jin Suna, Yongxin Yub, Vincent Deubela, ,
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a flavivirus with a complex life cycle involving mosquito vectors that mainly target birds and pigs, and causes severe encephalitis in children in Asia. Neurotropic flaviviruses of the JEV serogroup have a particular characteristic of expressing a unique nonstructural NS1′ protein, which is a prolongation of NS1 at the C terminus by 52 amino acids derived from a pseudoknot-driven-1 translation frameshift. Protein NS1′ is associated with virus neuro-invasiveness. In this study, the need of the pseudoknot structure for NS1′ synthesis was confirmed. By using a specific antibody against the prolonged peptide, NS1′ was found to be absent from the JEV SA14-14-2 vaccine strain, resulting from a single nucleotide silent mutation in the pseudoknot. A partial cleavage of NS1′ at a specific site of its C-terminal appendix recognized by caspases and inhibited by caspase inhibitors suggests a unique feature of intracellular NS1′.